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The Language of Teens. This term is all about analysing teenagers in both a modern day and historical perspective. This unit focusses on: » Teen language.

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1 The Language of Teens

2 This term is all about analysing teenagers in both a modern day and historical perspective. This unit focusses on: » Teen language » Teen characters » Teen stereotypes » Teen themes » Teen problems » Teens in film

3 » Written: An analytical article focussing on a teen issue. This will be 500-800 words long. You will have some class time but must also work on this at home. » Spoken: A spoken film review on a teen film. We will watch a film as a class and then spend time discussing and doing activities before you then present a 3-5 minutes speech to the whole class.

4 » Read the following handout on Teen Worlds Think about this - HOW DO TEENS DIFFER?

5 Teens have been known to:  test the boundaries  rebel against authority and disobey rules  challenge societal norms and  point out the generation gap between themselves and their ‘oldies’. One way teens have managed to separate themselves and maintain an identity is through their choice of language.

6 Colloquial language is the informal, everyday language most often spoken in conversations. Colloquial language is appealing to teens because it is:  Shorter to say  Is easier to say  New words can be made up or shortened When writing it, the omitted letter/s are replaced with an ‘ apostrophe. Two words can also be combined and the apostrophe is put in the place of the missing letters – these are called contractions.

7 1. I'm gonna go down to the beach. You wanna come? » I am going to go down to the beach. Do you want to come? 2. Ain't that strange? » Isn't that strange? 3. I dunno where we're meeting up tomorrow. » I do not know where we are meeting tomorrow.

8 » G'day, Mate - Australian slang for good morning » Wicked air, bro - Skateboarding slang for getting high in the air » barbie - Australian slang for barbecue » Bludger - One who won’t work and usually relies only on Social Security payments. » Bonnet - Hood (of a car) » In a tic – in a minute » Arvo – afternoon Write a list of at least 10 other Australian Colloquialisms

9 Slang (another form of colloquial language)includes informal (or casual) words that are made up and used by cultural groups. » Slang words change over time – usually reflecting the current fashion and culture. Across history people have created slang words to identify themselves and to set themselves a part from other people HENCE why it is so appealing to teens!!!!!!

10 Translate this conversation into formal language: MACCA: G’Day, you from these parts? ROBBO: Yep, I’ve spent most of me life ‘round ‘ere. What’s it t’you? MACCA: Hey, don’t get a bee in yer bonnet. I’ve been up woop woop with me ankle biters these past few weeks. Puttin’ in some elbow grease for the big man. And we’re hangin’ out for a dip and a barbie. Know a place where we can throw down a swag and take the load off? ROBBO: No wurries. I hear yas. Hey, youse might wanna tag along wit’ me. I’m boltin’ to the local now, ‘fore me missus starts up. I ate the last of our snags for brekky.

11 Add the apostrophe to these sentences: Im going to try hard in English this year. I cant stay at my friends house tonight I cant wait to get a drivers license The flock of birds wings soared gracefully through the sky.

12 » HOMEWORK - PAGE 157 of online workbook complete ‘slang’ activity.

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