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A Personal connected health system for the IoT based on the CoAP Authors: Danilo F.S.S, Hyggo O.A, Angelo P. Speaker : Nadia Media Rizka 015030990034.

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Presentation on theme: "A Personal connected health system for the IoT based on the CoAP Authors: Danilo F.S.S, Hyggo O.A, Angelo P. Speaker : Nadia Media Rizka 015030990034."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Personal connected health system for the IoT based on the CoAP Authors: Danilo F.S.S, Hyggo O.A, Angelo P. Speaker : Nadia Media Rizka 015030990034

2 Outline  Background  Technology Overview  PHD  IEEE 11073:20601  CoAP  Discussion  PHDs based on CoAP  PHDs and home devices based on UPnP  Conclusion

3 Background  The connected health vision is growing due to the availability of new technology enablers.  Skyrocketing costs of healthcare and increasing demand for health services.  The current model of healthcare services is not working anymore.

4 Overview (PHD)  “Personal Health Devices”  PHD can transmit data using short-range wireless technology.  PHD’s Structure:  Sensor Module  Controller Module  Communication Module

5 Cont’ From IoT point of view:  Classification of PHDs:  Gateway-Based devices  Internet-Ready devices  Requirements of PHDs:  Low processing power  Low power consumption  Limited communication interfaces

6 Overview (IEEE 11073: 20601)  Include in the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for device communication.  Defines a common framework for making an abstract model of personal health data available in transport-independent transfer syntax required to establish logical connections between systems.  Provide presentation capabilities and services needed to perform communication tasks.  The protocol is optimized to personal health usage requirements and leverages commonly used methods and tools wherever possible.

7 Cont’  Two types of devices:  Agents Data producers (sensor devices)  Managers Data collectors (powerful device connected to a main power source)

8 Overview (CoAP)  “Constrained Application Protocol”  Web transfer protocol  Used over UDP packets  Supports confirmable messages  Resource discovery capability  Can be used over different transport technologies  Bonded to DTLS  Low power consumption

9 Discussion

10 PHDs based on CoAP

11 PHDs and home devices based on UPnP

12 Conclusions  CoAP is a system that enables PHDs to share information in home networks and with the internet based on a new IoT protocol.  CoAP is used along with the IEEE 11073 family of standards, which is the main exchange data model for PHD communication.  The proposed system can be integrated to other connected health systems, such as UPnP.


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