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Additional key terms.  Lymph  Having to do with lymph or lymphatic system  Intercellular fluid as it returns to the venous circulatory system  Removes.

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Presentation on theme: "Additional key terms.  Lymph  Having to do with lymph or lymphatic system  Intercellular fluid as it returns to the venous circulatory system  Removes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Additional key terms

2  Lymph  Having to do with lymph or lymphatic system  Intercellular fluid as it returns to the venous circulatory system  Removes waste products from the cells  Must be filtered by the lymph nodes before it reenters the circulatory system

3  Swelling  Lymphedema? ◦ Abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluid that causes swelling usually in the arms or legs

4  Gland  Adenoma? ◦ Glandular tumor

5  Having to do with the tonsils  Throat  Tonsils? ◦ Masses of lymphatic tissue that form a protective ring around the nose and upper throat pg 108 ◦ 3 sets  Palatine - what most people think of, in the throat  Lingual – base of the tongue  Adenoids – found in the nasopharynx

6  Having to do with the adenoids  Adenoids ◦ Also know as the nasopharyngeal tonsils ◦ Located in the nasopharynx ◦ Protect the entry into the respiratory system

7  Bone marrow  Spinal cord

8  cells

9  Having to do with the thymus gland  Thymus? ◦ Located superior to the heart ◦ Composed largely of lymphatic tissue ◦ Plays important roles in the endocrine and immune systems

10  Any substance such as a virus, bacterium, toxin, or tissue that the body regards as foreign  As foreign substances, antigens stimulate an immune response

11  A disease-fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen

12  Not recurring  Nonmalignant  With a favorable chance for recovery

13  Harmful  Tending to spread  Becoming progressively worse  Life threatening

14  The verb that describes the process by which cancer spreads from one place to another  Metastasis ◦ The new cancer site that results from the spreading process.  Meta- ◦ Beyond  -stasis ◦ stopping

15  Lymphangioma   Lymph/o ◦ Having to do with lymph  Angi/o ◦ Vessels  -oma ◦ Tumor  A benign abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels forming a mass

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