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Kingdom Thinking Completing The Task. World Population: 7 Billion 33% include Christians of all kinds. 40% are reached (or evangelized) non-Christians.

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1 Kingdom Thinking Completing The Task

2 World Population: 7 Billion 33% include Christians of all kinds. 40% are reached (or evangelized) non-Christians. 27% are unreached (i.e.unevangelized) non- Christians.

3 Foreign Missionaries 429,000 Missionaries from all branches of Christendom (Only between 2 and 3% of those missionaries work among unreached peoples.)

4 Missionary presence

5 15,500 Billion - Total Annual Income 300 Billion - Giving to Christian Causes (1.8% of total income of 15,500 Billion) 17 Billion - To Foreign Missions (5.7% of 300 Billion or 0.11% of 15,500 Billion) Annual Global Church Finance in US Dollars

6 Where Foreign Mission Funds are Spent ~87% goes for work among those already Christian (14.8 Billion). ~12% for work among already Evangelized but Non-Christian (2.04 Billion). ~1% for work among still Unevangelized and Unreached people groups (0.17 Billion) Annual Global Church Finance in US Dollars

7 Worldwide, believers give $17 billion on average to missions 5.5% of all giving to Christian causes, or about $2,125 a year per church. To make up an additional $600 million needed would require only $80 more per year from each church! Only 80 cents more a year per person! If the U.S. 144 million born again adults, the cost would be only an extra $4.16 each. Finances

8 Average Ministry Cost in U.S. Dollars for Each Convert's Baptism Mozambique 1400 (least) Ethiopia 2700 (2nd) Nepal 3700 (5th) Cambodia 4300 (8th)

9 Average Ministry Cost in U.S. Dollars for Each Convert's Baptism Africa $14,000 Asia $61,000 Latin America $145,000 Oceania $634,000 Europe $993,000 USA $1,500,000

10 Unreached People Groups

11 Year AD Total World Population (millions) Active Believer (millions) World population per believer Unreached people groups Christian congregations per unreached people group 1001800.5360 to 1600001 to 12 10002701270 to 1500001 to 5 1500425585 to 1440001.1 to 1 190016207821 to 14000020 to 1 1970370027713 to 118000150 to 1 201067008007.3 to 180001000 to 1

12 Majority Religion ChristianIslamHindu BuddhistNon-religious

13 The World’s Christians

14 Muslim dot layer map The World’s Muslims

15 The World’s Buddhists

16 The World’s Hindus


18 1Mongolia222 2Lebanon295 3Singapore400 4Niger451 5Nepal458 6Sri Lanka479 7Spain512 8Faeroe Is533 9Mali608 10Thailand633 How many Christians to send 1 missionary?* *includes only Protestant, Anglican and Independent

19 There are 800 million Great Commission Christians in the world. Assuming an average church size of 100 persons, we only need one new missionary from every 250 churches in order to send out the additional 32,000 that are needed! Personnel

20 Prayer is something that everyone can do. Using the “hour a day” method, a church of about 50 praying members could readily supply the prayer support for an entire team of four missionaries if they only prayed 5 minutes a day. Prayer

21 What’s It Going To Take? Priorities Mobilizing Sacrifice Partnership Prayer

22 Group Questions & Prayer Taking our temperature: 1. How are our churches doing? 2. How are we leading by example? 3. What can we do financially? 4. How can we send more personnel? 5. What strategies of prayer can we develop?


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