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NON-FICTION Prose writing about real people, paces, and events. Nonfiction writers present information they consider true.

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Presentation on theme: "NON-FICTION Prose writing about real people, paces, and events. Nonfiction writers present information they consider true."— Presentation transcript:

1 NON-FICTION Prose writing about real people, paces, and events. Nonfiction writers present information they consider true.

2 Narrative Nonfiction- tells a story  Autobiography- “I was born in…”  Memoir- “The best day of my life was when….”  Biography- “He was born in….”  Narrative Essay- “Let me tell you a funny story about what happened”.

3 Organization of narrative nonfiction  Chronological- first, second, third, etc.  Order of Importance-Before we could do anything, we had to….  Flashback- Today the pizza was good, but last year….

4 Informative nonfiction  Includes essays, speeches, and articles that explain a topic or promote an opinion. Writers of informative nonfiction sometimes weave stories or personal experience into their writing.

5 Expository Essays- Informative  Explains a topic-  Gives steps in a process-  Reports on the news-  Analyzes a work of literature-

6 Persuasive Essays- Informative  Promotes an opinion or a position  Movie reviews  Advice columns  Editorials

7 Expository and Persuasive Essay Format  Lead or Introduction-  Thesis-  Body-  Supporting Details-  Conclusion-

8 Why Do We Read It?  Be informed-  Learn about others-  Reflect on what other’s have said-

9 What is an Author’s Purpose?  Entertain-  Persuade-  Inform-

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