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Unit 4: Sensation, Perception and States of Consciousness

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1 Unit 4: Sensation, Perception and States of Consciousness
CHS AP Psychology Unit 4: Sensation, Perception and States of Consciousness Essential Task 4-2:Describe the sensory process of vision including the specific nature of energy transduction (rods and cones and the trichromatic theory of color vision), relevant anatomical structures (cornea, pupil, iris, lens, retina, optic nerve, blind spot and fovea) and specialized pathways in the brain (opponent process theory of color vision and the occipital lobe). Logo Green is R=8 G=138 B= Blue is R= 0 G=110 B=184 Border Grey is R=74 G=69 B=64

2 Essential Task 4-2: Vision - relevant anatomical structures
Path light travels (cornea, pupil, iris, lens, and retina) optic nerve, blind spot and fovea Transduction (rods and cones) Color Vision The trichromatic theory of color vision Color Blindness Opponent process theory of color vision After-Image Effect

3 Path light travels through the eye.

4 Find your blind spot

5 Fovea Central fovea (Fovea Centralis) is responsible for visual acuity and color sensitivty. The green and red cones are concentrated in the fovea centralis. The ‘Blue’ cones  are mostly found outside the fovea centralis.

6 Transduction occurs in the Retina

7 Rods and Cones

8 Trichromatic Color Theory
We see color due to the RED GREEN BLUE Cones in the retina

9 Color Blindness Dichromatic Problems with reds and greens
Dichromatic Problems with Blues and Greens

10 Color Blindness Tests

11 Opponent Process Theory
Further up in the optic nerve, neurons work in pairs to help process color vision signals. Red-Green = Xmas Blue-Yellow = Beach Ball Black-White = Oreo

12 Opponent Process theory helps us explain the after-image effect


14 Neuroscience of ghosts!

15 Alas poor Yorick it was an after-image!

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