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PHP-language, sessions Teppo Räisänen Principal Lecturer Oulu University of Applied Sciences School of Business and Information Management

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Presentation on theme: "PHP-language, sessions Teppo Räisänen Principal Lecturer Oulu University of Applied Sciences School of Business and Information Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 PHP-language, sessions Teppo Räisänen Principal Lecturer Oulu University of Applied Sciences School of Business and Information Management, 050 382 6587

2 Why sessions? InternetServer (e. g. HTTP-Request (X)HTML presented by the browser (X)HTML processed by the server HTTP-Reply Browser

3 Why sessions? Because of HTTP-protocol No continuous connection between browser and server Often we need to know previous actions and information is our web-application (e. g. NetBank) NetBank

4 Lifecyckle of a session time loginpage 1page 2page nlogout entry exit session

5 Sessions Is identified by session ID Preserve data between multiple calls Information about a session is stored to server (e.g. to memory, file or database Session ID storing and propagation – HTTP GET – Cookie

6 Sessions in PHP Use following functions and superglobals – session_start() – $_SESSION[] – session_destroy() – unset() – …

7 Session_start() Is used in EVERY page where session variables are needed in your applications Has to be the FIRST line in your source code, otherwise...

8 Session variables Place where to store information that can be read and write during session In PHP you use superglobal $_SESSION[]

9 $_SESSION[] To read and write session spesific information $_SESSION[’mySessionVar’]=$somevariable; $somevariable=$_SESSION[’mySessionVar’];

10 Session_destroy() Destroy session and all session spesific variables Used e.g. when user logs out from your application If there is login, you should ALWAYS have logout

11 Checking for SESSION-variable To check if there is spesific session variable use isset()- function Example: if isset($_SESSION[’somevariable’]) { print ”Session variable is set!”; } else { print ”Session variable is not set!”; }

12 Resources p p

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