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Presentation on theme: "GLUCAGON ADMINISTRATION"— Presentation transcript:

Glucagon – the emergency drug for students with Type 1 diabetes. May be the Name Brand Glucagon or Glucagen Kit Glucagon is a kit made by Lilly pharmaceutical company and comes in a bright red case. Glucagen is a glucagon kit made by Novo-Nordisk and is in an orange case. KBN 2014

2 Glucagon is a hormone that raises the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It is given by injection. It is used to treat severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). KBN 2014

3 If the treating health care provider wants the student to have glucagon in an emergency situation, the glucagon will be ordered in the DMMP (Diabetes Medical Management Plan). KBN 2014

4 The parents/guardians will supply the school with a glucagon kit.
The student with Type 1 diabetes must have a glucagon kit available at all times. KBN 2014

5 Glucagon/Glucagen Kit The kit contains a vial (bottle) of glucagon in powder form and a prefilled syringe with a special liquid. The 2 ingredients should only be mixed just before the glucagon is to be injected. KBN 2014

6 Glucagon kit (cont. ) οThe kit may be stored at room temperature
Glucagon kit (cont.) οThe kit may be stored at room temperature. The kit should be carried in the student’s diabetes pack or kit. The student must be able to access the glucagon at all times during the school day! KBN 2014

7 REMEMBER!! It is always better to check a student’s blood sugar level as often as needed to ensure that an emergency hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) situation does not occur! KBN 2014

8 Trained Personnel: At least 1 (one) school employee in the building need to be trained on administering glucagon in case of an emergency. At least 1 (one) trained employee must accompany the student on field trips. KBN 2014


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