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ADJUNCTS By: Danielle Bange, Melina Amparo, Sarah Miller, and Neptina Hopewell.

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Presentation on theme: "ADJUNCTS By: Danielle Bange, Melina Amparo, Sarah Miller, and Neptina Hopewell."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADJUNCTS By: Danielle Bange, Melina Amparo, Sarah Miller, and Neptina Hopewell

2 INTRODUCTION  Are you over worked and feeling distressed? Maybe adding adjuncts will help you get that much needed rest. The demand for Human Development Family Studies (HDFS) courses has increased in the past several years. Penn State York is a University that provides many different courses that are offered during spring and fall semester. HDFS is a major that is offered at the York campus. The dilemma is that some of the courses are only offered during specific semesters, which hinders the students’ graduation. If these courses were available every semester, HDFS students would be able to meet the graduation requirements in a timely manner with less stress. We, as Human Development Family Study majors of Penn State York looked at data that was presented to us by Dr. Rick Pierce on our schools weaknesses and strengths according to the students’ survey. After reviewing the data, we found the weakness in HDFS, which was not enough courses being offered each semester to meet the needs of the students. We would like to propose a solution to this ongoing issue by adding adjuncts professors to this specific major.

3 ADJUNCTS  What are adjuncts?  Pros and cons about adjuncts?  What other schools offer adjuncts?  Millersville  York College  HACC  Kutztown  Shippensburg

4 PROPOSAL  What are we implementing?  How is it beneficial to our HDFS program?  Who does it benefit?  Professors  Students

5 DATA  If Penn State York did offer your intended major, how likely would you be to remain at York for all four years?

6 DATA  If offered, would you register for classes being taught in the evenings?  If offered, would you register for classes being taught on Saturday?

7 DATA  “Less bureaucracy, teachers are limited and have to jump through hoops in order to do certain activities. Additionally, better class times would be nice. I work until 8:30 a.m. Tuesday-Saturday and because of the weird times of required classes I have to forgo sleep for evening classes. Recognize the fact that adult learners are NOT just another student granted, we “fit in”; we have scheduling needs that aren’t being addressed.”  “In general, York campus seems to need more support from the University at large, faculty seem stressed and unable to manage work load, and there seems to be no support from staff and University campus (could we have adjuncts or staff from other campus’s help us out while we look for new permanent faculty?).”

8 COSTS  How much does it cost the University to hire an adjunct?  Classroom space  Office space

9 CONCLUSION  Student Survey Final Quote  “I have been giving a lot of thought to this class since our class discussion last night. It is obvious to me that my disorganization with this course has caused you unfair discomfort and stress. I am honestly sorry for that. I function very well in a world of chaos, but it is unfair for me to impose that on others, especially since most people function better with at least some level of structure in their world” according to Dr. Rick Pierce

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