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Presentation on theme: "Postcolonialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postcolonialism

2 What is Postcolonialism?
Postcolonialism is the period of time after the colonialism in which the British Empire dominated in many countries. Postcolonialism is also a set of theories regarding art and culture dealing to colonialism problems.

3 Postcolonialism in literature
There is an ongoing debate on the exact meaning of postcolonial literature. Some critics argue that postcolonial literature can be considered the one which expresses an opposition against colonialism postcolonial literature is not to be linked to a certain period the birth of postcolonial philosophy is dated to half 20th century

4 Themes Exploitation of people and row materials in colonized countries
Problems of national and cultural identity after colonial rule Racism Cultural imposition Slavery Apartheid Extinction of people (aborigens in Australia)

5 Styles Style and form vary a lot from country to country, writer to writer Postcolonial literature is not defined by style, it is defined by themes and problematics exposed as a matter of fact

6 Most important writers
Chinua Achebe – Africa Margaret Atwood – Canada Isabel Allende – Chile J. M. Coetzee – South Africa Edward W. Said – Palestine

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