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Storage Centralized Logging (Log Aggregator)

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Presentation on theme: "Storage Centralized Logging (Log Aggregator)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Storage Centralized Logging (Log Aggregator)
by RCI Storage Team

2 Agenda RCI Storage PoC target A bit of history Why Centralized Logging
Basic Workflow What options do we have? Why Graylog2? Graylog2 vs. Others Architecture Installation Where to?

3 RCI Storage PoC Target Log aggregator for RCI storage
FLOSS (with support) KISS philosophy: Easy to use Easy to manage Reliability, Availability & Scalability Low (HW & SW) requirements

4 A bit of history 1980s: Syslog was developed by Eric Allman as part of the Sendmail project Syslog originally functioned as a de facto standard The Internet Engineering Task Force documented the status quo in RFC 3164 It was standardized by RFC 5424 Various companies have attempted to claim patents for syslog implementations

5 A bit of history 1998: Balázs Scheidler ported the existing nsyslogd code to Linux … later became syslog-ng 2004: Rainer Gerhards decided to write a new strong syslog daemon to compete with syslog-ng 2010: systemd is born logging is based on systemd-journald: a daemon responsible for event logging append-only binary files serving as its logfiles sysadmin may choose whether to log system events with systemd- journald, syslog-ng or rsyslog

6 Why Centralized Logging
Easy & fast access to all logs History Reduce risk of log loss Correlation System tuning Discover HW and/or SW problems Improve design Security (and other) audits

7 Basic Workflow Collect Applications create logs in different ways
Multiple log files Transport Scribe, nsq, kafka: more app oriented Flume, Heka, Logstash, Chukwa, fluentd: more log oriented Store For how long? How much volume? Access? Analyze Batch, real Time? Frontend, CLI, …? Alerts?

8 What options do we have?

9 Graylog vs others SPLUNK: ELK: Graylog: $$$$$ Closed source
Huge amount of apps ELK: Complex Great for huge systems Graylog: Doesn't correlate Weak analysis Lightweight

10 Why Graylog2? Supports *syslog, Windows logs, CISCO, Apache, APC MGE, Audit Daemon, Bind9, PHP, Ruby, Juniper, MongoDB, MySQL, Nginx, Firewalls, PAM, crond, Postfix, Puppet, Snort, Squid, SSH, sudo, systemd, Heroku (app logging) GELF logging format Overcomes syslog limitations: Limited to length of 1024 bytes No data types in structured syslog: you don’t know what is a number and what is a string Strict RFCs but many syslog dialects -> can't parse all of them No compression Libaries and appenders for many programming languages and logging frameworks so it is easy to implement: GELF is a great choice for logging from within applications

11 Why Graylog2? Logs are stored in MongoDB & elasticsearch
Search engine (possibility of saving searches) Streams: let you "aggregate" in real time messages Establish alerts Dashboards to build pre-defined views of data Marketplace: Plugins Content packs GELF library

12 Architecture

13 Installation Install & configure mongoDB & Elasticsearch
Install & configure Graylog Get your hands dirty: Create a new input Add servers vi /etc/rsyslog.d/90-graylog2.conf Add these 2 lines: $template GRAYLOGRFC5424,"<%PRI%>%PROTOCOL-VERSION% %TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %APP-NAME% %PROCID% %MSGID% %STRUCTURED-DATA% %msg%\n" Restart rsyslogd

14 Searching Simple search: OR search: AND search: NOT search
ssh OR search: ssh telnet AND search: ssh AND telnet NOT search ssh NOT telnet EXACT search: "ssh telnet" Source search: source:rcdt01 source:rcdt0? source:rcdt* source|message|full_message Fuzzy searches: source:rcdt0~ Range queries: [] -> inclusive {} -> exclusive http_response_code:[500 TO 504] http_response_code:{400 TO 404} bytes:{0 TO 64] http_response_code:[0 TO 64} http_response_code:>400 http_response_code:<400 http_response_code:>=400 http_response_code:<=400 http_response_code:(>=400 AND <500)

15 Where to? Scalability: Hadoop? "Just add nodes" "Just add Hadoop" ;)
Hive? MapReduce? Impala? Hbase? Import? /Export? elasticsearch mongoDB Hadoop Graylog2

16 MHO



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