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Module 2: GIS and data CCM version2, and other necessary data layer (JRC) Positioning of EIONET-water sites within the geometry of the catchment areas.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 2: GIS and data CCM version2, and other necessary data layer (JRC) Positioning of EIONET-water sites within the geometry of the catchment areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 2: GIS and data CCM version2, and other necessary data layer (JRC) Positioning of EIONET-water sites within the geometry of the catchment areas given by the Catchment Data Base (CCM), Post-processing CCM2, improving data model, refining geometry (Nuts 3,4 disaggregation of statistical data,lakes, dams etc.)....

2 Linkages between Agriculture and Water Quality Overview on further work and collaboration Beate Werner, EEA

3 Water quality UWWIndustry WFD + Nitrate Dir, Bathing-, Drinking Water Dir. CAP, Market organisation, Rural development Links in implementation - Policy integration Agricultural Management impact of land use management How to achieve quality ? Policies background -Nutrients and water quality EU-scale Integrated assessments

4 RBM and EU-level SOE assessment WFD, N-Dir national implementation MS - Reports e.g. Art 5 – RBM Collected on EU-level  Scattered picture limited comparability SoE assessment on EU-level,  aggregated, comparable data EU-wide picture ? Limited reliability on catchment scale Member States - EU

5 4 Modules for agri-water assesments I – preparatory phase - source apportionment study - structured overview on methodologies - expert meeting Background document III – modelling; EEA/JRC empirical spatial assessment water quality and pressures; modelling cause-effect relationship incl. Soil, climate, and land management II – Spatial Data.. preparation.. ELISA at JRC providing common tools  Catchment DB with EIONET – water data IV scenario analysis implementations for policy cycle; develop- ment CAP, RDPs etc  Scoping Study

6 Envisaged Results Assessment on agricultural contribution to water eutrophication on catchment basis including individual shares of selected agricultural sectors /activities and their spatial distribution. Analysis on how and where changes in land use practises would influence the water quality in the basin. – This could be focused on catchments in “problem areas” identified above. Input into prospective analysis of effects of different agricultural scenarios

7 Link to other partners and acticities Linkages Agriculture Water at EEA Data/ Activity from IRENA Agri/Env JRC; Agri-stat EUROSTAT Data/ Activity from research projects Data from Implementation WFD Art 5; N-DIR, CAP, RDP

8 Module 3: methodologies for source apportionment Statistical source apportionment JRC Agri-water relationships with stratification techniques Proxi-pressure estimation with nutrient surface balances Any other on the market

9 Pressure/Impact Assessment Pressure assessment -nutrien surface balances on EU-level -Water quality indicators -Small scale modelling Water quality assessment -Statistics on monitoring data, stratification -Water accounts (EU and catchment level) Cause – effect relat. - Validated Correlations on quality/ pressures - statistical approaches on source apportionment at EEA/JRC - Small and medium scale modelling in FATE, (SWAT modelling) - Others (Euroharp?) Methodologies available on EU or catchment scale respectively or transferable What is needed/ useful on EU scale? How to use case studies; validation? Comple- mentary approaches? Data limitations?

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