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Development of Guide Developed through two Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP and TCRP) projects over the past several years. Resulting research report.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Guide Developed through two Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP and TCRP) projects over the past several years. Resulting research report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft AASHTO Guide for Geometric Design of Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets

2 Development of Guide Developed through two Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP and TCRP) projects over the past several years. Resulting research report was reviewed and edited by an ad-hoc working group consisting of reps from: Technical Committee on Geometric Design Subcommittee on Design Standing Committee on Public Transportation

3 Basis of the Guide Guidelines are based on a review of AASHTO, TRB, and ITE documents, as well as design reports provided by various transit agencies Guide also incorporates findings from targeted investigations conducted to fill voids in the assembled information

4 Purpose To provide a single, comprehensive reference of current practice in the geometric design and placement of transit facilities on streets and highways A transit companion to the AASHTO “Green Book” Targeted toward a wide range of stakeholders policy makers highway planners engineers and designers traffic engineers transit service planners site planners land developers

5 Issues Covered Planning and decision-making guidelines
Bus design parameters and controls, including: descriptions of vehicle types and characteristics geometric design controls highway and transit capacity considerations and guidelines general transit infrastructure considerations Bus transit facilities found in controlled-access highway settings (freeways) and along streets Light rail and streetcar transit operations on streets and roadways Appendices contain supporting information on: detailed bus dimensions and turning paths busways off-line stations and facilities pedestrian and bicycle access

6 Next Steps Currently out for ballot by: Due August 10, 2009
Subcommittee on Design Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering Standing Committee on Public Transportation Due August 10, 2009 Review and address comments Ballot Standing Committee on Highways

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