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1 The pension system in France. 2 History  The first pension systems:  1673 the sailors  1831 the soldiers  1894 the miners  1909 the railway workers.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The pension system in France. 2 History  The first pension systems:  1673 the sailors  1831 the soldiers  1894 the miners  1909 the railway workers."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The pension system in France

2 2 History  The first pension systems:  1673 the sailors  1831 the soldiers  1894 the miners  1909 the railway workers  1928 farmers’ pension law  ….

3 3 1945: setting-up of a “general scheme” based on the values of solidarity and mutual aid  This was not really a unified system because there was strong hostility particularly among the liberal professions and farmers  Maintenance of the old special schemes (miners, railway workers, etc.)

4 4 1945: one Social Security block  3 mechanisms :  Health insurance  State pension  Family

5 5 State pension based on the contributory principle  The contributory choice was made during this post-war period in which the values of solidarity among generations, individuals and occupations were particularly strong  Furthermore, funds managed by capitalisation (funded pension plans) before the war went bankrupt

6 6 Joint management  The CNAV: joint management by between employers and employees  Compulsory supplementary systems: AGIRC for managers, ARRCO for employees and workers  Full pension = Basic pension + ARRCO or AGIRC

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8 8 In the 90s, reforms which led to a reduction in retirement pension amounts  Question of the age pyramid and unemployment level  Liberal policies merely sort out the problem on an ad hoc basis but do not propose solutions  Supplementary schemes met the same fate….

9 9 An example of the consequences for an employee born in 1948  This employee claiming his pension in January 2008, with a complete record to the maximum social security limit, has drawn an annual pension of 14 087 € (i.e. 43.8% of the social security ceiling)  Pre-reform, he would have drawn 16 092 € (i.e. 50% of the social security ceiling) Source CNAV – October 2007 Source CNAV – October 2007

10 10 In the 2000s, new reforms…  Which lengthen the contributions period  Which lower the level of pensions  Which index-link pensions to prices  Which, in the civil service, create a compulsory additional scheme according to points on premiums

11 11 In conclusion, UNSA proposals …

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