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23.7 The Claisen Condensation Reaction

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1 23.7 The Claisen Condensation Reaction
Reaction of an ester having an  hydrogen with 1 equivalent of a base to yield a -keto ester

2 Mechanism of the Claisen Condensation
Similar to aldol condensation: nucleophilic acyl substitution of an ester enolate ion on the carbonyl group of a second ester molecule

3 Features of the Claisen Condensation
If the starting ester has more than one acidic a hydrogen, the product -keto ester has a doubly activated proton that can be abstracted by base Requires a full equivalent of base rather than a catalytic amount The deprotonation drives the reaction to the product

4 Worked Ex 23.3 What product would you obtain from Claisen condensation of ethyl propanoate?

5 Prob 23.11 Show the products you would expect to obtain by Claisen condensation of the following esters: (CH3)2CHCH2CO2Et Ethyl penylacetate Ethyl cyclohexylacetate

6 Prob 23.12 As shown in the mechanism, the Claisen rxn is reversible. That is, the β–keto ester can be cleaved by base into 2 fragments. Using curved arrows to indicate electron flow, show the mechanism by which this cleavage occurs.

7 23.8 Mixed Claisen Condensations
Successful when one of the two esters acts as the electrophilic acceptor in reactions with other ester anions to give mixed -keto esters

8 Esters and Ketones Reactions between esters and ketones, resulting in -diketones Best when the ester component has no  hydrogens and can't act as the nucleophilic donor

9 Worked Ex 23.4 Diethyl oxalate (CO2Et) often gives high yields in mixed Claisen rxns. What product would you expect to obtain from a mixed Claisen rxn of ethyl acetate with diethyl oxalate?

10 Prob 23.13 What product would you expect from the following mixed Claisen-like reaction?

11 23.9 Intramolecular Claisen Condensations: The Dieckmann Cyclization
Best with 1,6-diesters (product: 5-membered -ketoester) and 1,7-diesters (product: 6-membered -ketoester)

12 Mechanism of the Dieckmann Cyclization

13 Alkylation of Dieckmann Product
The cyclic -keto ester can be further alkylated and decarboxylated as in the acetoacetic ester synthesis

14 Prob 23.14 What product would you expect from the following rxn:

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