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Prayer For The Camps That the rain would subside and stay away so that repairs and rebuilding may occur For continued safety and provision for our team.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer For The Camps That the rain would subside and stay away so that repairs and rebuilding may occur For continued safety and provision for our team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer For The Camps That the rain would subside and stay away so that repairs and rebuilding may occur For continued safety and provision for our team to repair the camps/houses and get back to their mission For our team and the Saharawi believers that they may find hope and comfort in God during this difficult time That the love of Christ would be made known in the camps, and the Gospel would continue to advance among the Saharawi people

2 Prayer For France For comfort and healing for all the families and victims of the terrorist attacks That those responsible would be apprehended and brought to justice That God would soften the hearts of our enemies and draw them unto himself as only He can do That in the midst of such horror, the truth and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be made known among the nations

3 Prayer For Refugees That God would provide places of refuge and safety for all of those fleeing war torn countries That we as the Church would not be motivated by fear, but by compassion and courage that is rooted in the love of Christ For wisdom for our leaders as they make decisions about how our country will respond to this crisis That God would be using the refugee crisis as an opportunity for the Gospel to be shared with those that have never heard it before, and that many would come to faith in Jesus as a result

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