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‘Improving schools from within’- Leadership supporting all students to success.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Improving schools from within’- Leadership supporting all students to success."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Improving schools from within’- Leadership supporting all students to success.

2 Every school has its own character and ethos.


4 Outstanding Teaching & Learning Outstanding Teaching and Learning Unrelenting in seeking improvement and progress

5 Talented in spotting, nurturing and capturing talent Stretching all students. Strong; mentally and physically.

6 Outstanding Teaching & Learning Tenacious of values and vision Aware of strengths and areas for development. A2L

7 Outstanding Teaching & Learning (K)N: Knowledgeable & always extending knowledge Daring; prepared to take risks and drive change. Inspirational – to all members of school community

8 Outstanding Teaching and Learning Not neglecting the power of feedback Growing Together: each individual, all staff, the school

9 ‘A school almost never exceeds the quality of its leadership and management’. McKinsey Report

10 ‘Successful leaders actively search out the many good practices that are out there & adapt them to their particular contexts’.

11 How do leaders influence what happens in the classroom? *Modelling *Monitoring * Dialogue.

12 Modelling Visiting classrooms Encouraging colleagues to talk about teaching successes Knowing how children are progressing

13 Monitoring Analysing pupil data on progress and outcomes

14 Dialogue Creating opportunities for teachers to talk together about learning and teaching.

15 Continuous professional development.CPD Sharing good practice in learning and teaching. Sharing what works well in your school.



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