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Question(s) of the Day Rules You must work alone You may use your textbook today You have 5 minutes to complete the QOD Good luck!!

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Presentation on theme: "Question(s) of the Day Rules You must work alone You may use your textbook today You have 5 minutes to complete the QOD Good luck!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question(s) of the Day Rules You must work alone You may use your textbook today You have 5 minutes to complete the QOD Good luck!!

2 Questions of the Day Read pages 11-13 of the text then look at the illustration below. Each letter corresponds to an observation made by Rutherford. Describe each observation and match it with one of Rutherford’s conclusions. AA C B

3 A C B A:These particles are not deflected. Rutherford concluded that most of an atom is empty space. B:These particles are strongly deflected. Rutherford concluded that the atom contains a very small, dense nucleus. C:These particles bounce back. Rutherford concluded that the nucleus of the atom is positive.

4 Rutherford Experiment

5 What are we doing Today? Hand in Timeline Question(s) of the day Quiz Notes/powerpoint Workbook questions Go over a few questions

6 Periodic Table of Elements


8 The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is oxygen.

9 Key to the Periodic Table Elements are organized on the table according to their atomic number, usually found near the top of the square.  The atomic number refers to how many protons an atom of that element has.  For instance, hydrogen has 1 proton, so it’s atomic number is 1.  The atomic number is unique to that element. No two elements have the same atomic number.

10 What’s in a square? Different periodic tables can include various bits of information, but usually:  atomic number  symbol  atomic mass  state of matter at room temperature.

11 Questions? What is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust? What is the most abundant element in the atmosphere?

12 Atomic Number This refers to how many protons an atom of that element has. No two elements, have the same number of protons.

13 Atomic Mass Atomic Mass refers to the “weight” of the atom. It is derived at by adding the number of protons with the number of neutrons. This is a helium atom. Its atomic mass is 4 (protons plus neutrons). What is its atomic number?

14 Valence Electrons Valence electrons are the electrons in the outer energy level of an atom. These are the electrons that are transferred or shared when atoms bond together.

15 Atom

16 What is the difference between atoms and elements? Ice Cream Story

17 element - a basic substance that can't be simplified (hydrogen, oxygen, gold, etc...) atom - the smallest amount of an element molecule - two or more atoms that are chemically joined together (H 2, O 2, H 2 O, etc...) compound - a molecule that contains more than one element (H 2 O, C 6 H 12 O 6, etc...)

18 What's wrong with the ice cream analogy? Splitting an atom creates different elements (split an oxygen atom and you don't have oxygen any longer). Splitting a scoop of ice cream results in smaller blobs of the same flavor. For the analogy to hold true, the flavor of the ice cream would have to change when you split a scoop (the chocolate 'element' would have to change into some other 'element' (flavor)).


20 Properties of Metals Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Metals are shiny. Metals are ductile (can be stretched into thin wires). Metals are malleable (can be pounded into thin sheets). A chemical property of metal is its reaction with water which results in corrosion.

21 Properties of Non-Metals Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity. Non-metals are not ductile or malleable. Solid non-metals are brittle and break easily. They are dull. Many non-metals are gases. Sulfur

22 Properties of Metalloids Metalloids (metal-like) have properties of both metals and non-metals. They are solids that can be shiny or dull. They conduct heat and electricity better than non- metals but not as well as metals. They are ductile and malleable. Silicon

23 Classwork Finish Workbook pages 3 & 4

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