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The Outsiders By: S.E. Hinton

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1 The Outsiders By: S.E. Hinton outsiders&docid=VAsAczx6QQcoBM&w=531&h=411&ei=f3V3TpXmMcSLsQKWkomMBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=171&vpy=177&dur=2266&hovh=197&hovw=255&tx=122&ty=106&page=1&tbnh=125&tbnw=161 &start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&biw=1280&bih=632

2 1967 If you have $100 Converted from 1960 to 2005 it would be equivalent to $679.09 today In 1960 a new house cost $12,700.00 and by 1969 was $15,500.00 In 1960 the average income per year was $5,315.00 and by 1969 was $8,540.00 In 1960 a gallon of gas was 25 cents and by 1969 was 35 cents In 1960 the average cost of new car was $2,600.00 and by 1969 was $3,270.00

3 Ford Mustang 2 door hardtop $2368

4 Major Events of the 60’s " The Space Race ", " Cuban Missile Crisis", " Continuing Cold War", "Kennedy Assassination", " Martin Luther King", "Vietnam", "Civil Rights and Riots", "Hippies and Flower Power", "The Beatles and Rock and Roll"

5 Elvis Presley

6 Hank Williams

7 The Beatles

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