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Simulation Editor Basic Features FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulation Editor Basic Features FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulation Editor Basic Features FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington

2 2 PurposePurpose Visually constructs a Conceptual Site Model Documents comments Limit changes to the CSM Chooses models Locks in models Describes how models communicate with one another Provides user friendly interfaces for Choosing models Locking in models Inputting user-defined data Viewing graphical or tabular output results Allows for Monte Carlo analyses

3 3 Global Workspace: Information available to all modules in the Local Workspace Local Workspace Icons Logo Tool Bar

4 4 Provides the user with an opportunity to make notes about a simulation. This is very handy, especially if the user has a series of runs with titles like run1, run2, run3, etc. The user can log the differences in the simulations using the Comments section.

5 5 Customize Menu: Customizes the look and feel of the workspace in the Simulation Editor Icon Traffic Light: Black: Icon chosen Red: Model chosen Yellow: Data Input Green: Run successful

6 6 Corresponding Icons The Object Id is the system’s referencing nomenclature. User-defined Name

7 7 DATABASES Geospatial Place Holder Constituent selector and properties Aquatic Benchmarks (e.g., ERED) by effect and constituent (mg/kg) Aquatic Organism selector and physical properties (e.g., ERED) Currently not deployed MODELS Real-world media transport modules User-Defined (i.e., known) input to any model Superimposes output from multiple modules Synchronizes initial time and time-varying output from multiple modules Exposure, Intake, Risk/Hazard/Dose modules Summarizes GENII Results Risk Assessment Guidelines for Superfund Tables Ecological Hazard Quotients (WEAP) Illustrative Example of Stand-alone modules SYSTEM Sensitivity/Uncertainty Modules (Sampler, Iterator, Summarizer) VIEWERS Graphical and Tabular Viewers Icon Palette

8 8 MEPAS 5.0 Source in an Aquifer This is a user-defined personalized note associated with the Source module. These notes are constructed by the user and will be displayed when the curser is held over the icon, when "Show Notes" is checked under the Customize menu.

9 9

10 10 Tools Provides the user with one location for tools that allow easy application of programs. Help

11 11 Connect/Disconnect linkage Lock model in Icon User-defined personalized note for icon Choose model and name Input user-defined data Run model executable Delete Icon Graphical/Tabular viewers of output Right-Click Over Icon

12 12 Right-Click Over Icon

13 13 User chooses model General Info

14 14 Applicable Models Non-applicable Models General Info

15 15 Model Description: Describes the model, how the model works, who to contact, etc. Scheme Properties: Presents a description of the schemes Consumes/Produces: Documents the DICs that the model consumes produces General Info User Interface

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