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Edison Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP) Webinar James Ruble Ohio MEP Center Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Edison Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP) Webinar James Ruble Ohio MEP Center Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edison Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP) Webinar James Ruble Ohio MEP Center Director

2 Agenda Program Timeline Program Overview Program Goals and Objectives Program Requirements Fundable Activities / Funding Preliminary Proposal Requirements Evaluation Criteria Program Terms

3 Edison AMP Project Timeline Important DatesApplication Process January 7, 2016 Preliminary Proposal Submission January 27, 2016 Third Party Review March 4, 2016 Full Proposal Submission March 2016 ODSA Reviews Report & Financial Audit May 9, 2016 Award Letters Issued

4 Edison Advanced Manufacturing Program Overview (AMP) AMP is a competitive grant program to encourage new advanced manufacturing project and service activities to existing Ohio manufacturers collaborating with an Edison Center or other eligible nonprofit organization, such as Ohio universities.

5 Helping Ohio Manufacturers This program helps Ohio manufacturers: Enter markets sooner Respond faster to customer needs Create higher quality products Improve efficiencies, quantities and reliability

6 AMP Goals and Objectives Ohio wants to support manufacturers who have: A successful operating history Clear market focus Strong prospects for sales growth Job and revenue creation

7 AMP Requirements AMP Projects Must: Provide an advanced manufacturing technology-based competitive advantage Lead to lower costs or product differentiation Have an impact on multiple firms Be self-sustaining after grant funding

8 Fundable Activities Implementation of a new (but market- tested) service activity or capability to deploy a defined client-base of multiple Ohio manufacturing companies Discrete projects involving two or more manufacturers that will lead to new product manufacturing

9 Funding Funding Range Per Project: $250-$500k Open to funding multiple projects per organization Cost share, both cash and in-kind, is required in a ratio of 1:1 Indirect capped at 20% of total operational costs

10 Preliminary Proposal Requirements Project summary and specific outcomes: 1.What is the specific problem solved or opportunity captured? 2.Describe the maturity of the proposed technology or service 3.Will Intellectual Property be created?

11 Preliminary Proposal (Cont.) Need for this investment What is the uniqueness / value / ability to positively impact multiple Ohio entities? How will transfer of the outcome to multiple entities occur? Who is your anticipated competition – from local to global? How mature is the competition? What is the alignment with state and local initiatives?

12 Preliminary Proposal (Cont.) Team and background with accomplishments Including anticipated partners Projected economic impacts What industry sector will be impacted? What is that sector’s current size and state wide presence? What are the resulting sales and jobs created or retained? How will economic impacts be measured?

13 Preliminary Proposal (Cont.) Plan for long term financial sustainability and viability, including how could / will the project outcome be transferred to multiple Ohio entities Major assumptions and uncertainties

14 Full Proposal Grantee must submit full proposal The following is to be included in the full proposal Detailed budget information, project timeline, project abstract, team and program management details, and letters of commitment from collaborators Feedback to be supplied and opportunities may exist for proposal resubmission (in select cases)

15 Evaluation Criteria CriteriaWeighting Meets administrative requirements (team structure, cost share, …)Yes or No Degree to which the proposed project will have an impact on multiple manufacturers as opposed to company-specific impacts 25 Degree to which the proposed project represents a competitive advantage for Ohio Companies 20 Degree to which the applicant demonstrates the soundness, relevance and maturity of the technology or methodology supported by the proposed project to drive near-term product manufacturing or improved manufacturing operations 20 Degree to which the applicant defines realistic and justified metrics for jobs and sales growth to be generated by the project and, in the case of service activities, projections of future clients and revenues. 15 Degree to which the experience and organization of the project team reflect the ability to achieve project success 20 Lead applicant’s financial stability 25

16 Terms of Project 1) Projects must be completed within 24 months of funding 2) The post reporting period duration is six months after the end of the term of the grant

17 Thank you! Preliminary and Final Proposal Submission must be emailed in the RFP specified format to Additional Questions: Send e-mail with subject line of “AMP Program Q&A” to Forms and Budget Tables Are located at

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