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Reading Methods. Skimming  Used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text  Used when material must be read in a limited amount of time  Useful when.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Methods. Skimming  Used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text  Used when material must be read in a limited amount of time  Useful when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Methods

2 Skimming  Used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text  Used when material must be read in a limited amount of time  Useful when seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension  Skimming works well to find dates, names, and places

3 Scanning  Use when looking for key words or ideas  Used to quickly find specific information  Helpful when taking a test

4 Speed Reading  Aims to increase the reading speed without compromising on understanding retention  A method of reading using skimming and scanning  Click: to see how well you speed read  Strategies used Identifying words without focusing on each letter Not sounding out all words Not sub-vocalizing some phrases Spending less time on some phrases than others Skimming small sections  A process that increases the speed of reading without compromising on the retention of the content &

5 In-depth Reading  Used to Gain deeper meaning and comprehension Research detailed information Read difficult sections of a text

6 4 Methods of In-depth Reading 1. The RAP strategy 2. The RIDA strategy 3. The Five S method 4. The SQ3R Meth

7 Method #1  The RAP strategy Good for textbook explanations and research articles  Read (a paragraph or a section)  Ask yourself some questions about what you have just read  Put the answers in your own words (and make notes if you need)

8 Method #2  The RIDA strategy Relates to descriptive and narrative texts  Read  Imagine the scene you have just read about  Describe it to yourself  Add more detail as you read

9 Method #3  The Five S method Reminds students to use the appropriate reading style  Skim:  Read the introduction, summary and first and last sentences of each paragraph.  Scan:  Where is the information on …?  Select:  Do you need to read all this chapter? Select sections that you need to know more about.  Slurp:  Read in-depth and more slowly selected sections. Can you tell yourself about this concept now? Read again if necessary.  Summarize:  Use a map, keywords, index cards, or questions as a framework for some notes. Take no more than 10 minutes.

10 Method #4  SQ3R Survey:  Skim through the material Question:  Ask questions about the material Read:  Read the material in-depth Recite:  Make notes from memory Review:  Check your recalled notes

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