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Holy Cross Photography Photo Olympics Assignment Please choose 3 Assignments to complete. (Photo Triathalon???)

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Presentation on theme: "Holy Cross Photography Photo Olympics Assignment Please choose 3 Assignments to complete. (Photo Triathalon???)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Holy Cross Photography Photo Olympics Assignment Please choose 3 Assignments to complete. (Photo Triathalon???)

2 A. Over and Under Create 2 images – 1 that is underexposed and 1 that is overexposed in order to develop mood and interest in the image (The under/over exposing can be done using the camera or later in Photoshop)

3 B. Cutoffs Take 3 photographs of some subject content whereby you have zoomed in so closely that the subject content is being cut off by at least 3 sides of your canvas.

4 C. Bring Back the Dead Please collect the “Old Photo”s File from Mr. Buttinger and make 3 images look as new and cleaned up as possible.

5 D. The Hand bone’s connected to the Foot bone… Capture a photograph of hands and/or feet. You could have a single hand or foot, or two, or many. They don't have to be the only thing in the photograph, but they should be the main subject(s). Since everyone has them, you're going to have to do something creative with your subject to make your shot stand out.

6 E. The Triathalon of Color Take 2 photos that only have 3 principal colors. It can be any three colors you wish but to make a successful image the colors will have to work together. Using a color wheel may help you decide on the colors to use in your shot. (You can use a little black or white as well as the 3 colors if you need to) Check this site out for color info. first!

7 F. From Low to High (Key) Take a strong example of both a “Low Key” Photograph and a “High Key” Photograph with a subject that is in focus and properly exposed.

8 G. Messin’ With Depth (of Field…) Create 3 images that has what would normally be the main focal point blurry and something in front of or behind the main subject in focus instead.

9 H. Pick-A-Something Pick something and try to get a collection of 6 or more photos representing it. For instance, pick a color and try to go all day photographing only red things, or try only getting pictures of things that are square when you’re on a walk. Or hats. Or shadows. Or broken things. Or things that make you happy. Etc… Then make a collage of all of your photos.

10 I. Adbusters Find an advertisement in a magazine or on the internet that has a message. Scan / Load the image into Photoshop and critically analyze what the ad’s message is and what it is trying to sell. REVERSE the message of the ad.

11 J. Overdone Art Take a photo of pretty much anything. Than acquire paints, crayons, pastels, glitter glue, etc…and overpaint on your photo playing with opposites and contrast.

12 K. “OverZoomed” Acquire a lense reversal adaptor and take 3 macro photos of everyday objects. (You will need to find a focal point by moving the camera closer or farther away from the subject as the camera’s focus feature will be disabled)

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