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Systems Course - Lecture 1 Cognitive Issues and Levels of Learning.

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1 Systems Course - Lecture 1 Cognitive Issues and Levels of Learning

2 Part I Cognitive Issues

3 Objectives of Lecture To get an understanding of effective learning To show what leads to effective learning To get an understanding of how temperament affects learning To show resources for information on personal learning

4 Importance of 17 Dimensions on Student Achievement Teacher’s stimulation of interest_____ Teacher’s Enthusiasm for Teaching_____ Teacher’s Knowledge of Subject_____ Teacher’s Course Organization_____ Teacher’s Presentation Clarity_____ Teacher’s Sensitivity to Class Progress_____ Communication Skills_____ Clarity of Course Objectives_____

5 Importance of 17 Dimensions on Student Achievement Value of Text_____ Value of Supplements_____ Relevance of Subject_____ Teacher Fairness/Quality of Exams_____ Nature/Quality/Frequency of Feedback_____ Teacher’s Encouragement of Discussion_____ Course’s Intellectual Challenge_____ Teacher’s Concern for Students_____ Teacher’s Availability and Helpfulness_____

6 Organization and Clarity Well Prepared Easy to Understand Explains Clearly Summarizes Major Points Easy to Outline Careful Answers Objectives for Each Class Knows if Understanding

7 Four Dimensions Underlying MBTI

8 Faculty and UG Business Student Comparisons

9 Summary UG students are primarily ESTJ Professors are primarily INTJ Master’s Students are combination I (Dr. Richards) am ENTP

10 Homework Assignment #1 Due on September 11 at the beginning of class. Follow the instructions and hand in one page answering the questions in Word format. Go to Using temperament sorter, determine your personal classification. What is it? One you have gotten your classification, identify at lease three people (listed) who share your classification. Identify several traits associated with your classification. Do you agree with the classification generated by the exercise? Explain.

11 Part II Levels of Learning

12 Rote Level –Concepts: List, State, Itemize, Identify –Exercise Solving: Apply, use, Solve, Compute Meaningful Level –Translate and Be Bi-Lingual –Students will be able to: Explain in Own Words, Paraphrase Illustrate, Interpret, Extrapolate, Translate Among Three Languages Transform, Predict, Extend, Interpolate

13 Levels of Learning (cont.) Integrated Level –Interrelate Concepts: How Similar and Different? How Ideas are Interconnected? –Students Will Be Able to: Connect, Link, Compare and Contrast Distinguish, Differentiate, Organize Integrate

14 Levels of Learning (cont). Critical Thinking Level –“Go beyond the Known” –Students Will Be Able to: Analyze, Decompose, Distinguish Modify, Propose, Design Evaluate Critically, Judge.

15 Which Level is Appropriate for Us? Rote Level - not interested in. Meaningful/Integrated - YES!. Critical Thinking - YES!

16 Why? Retention is poor at rote level but much better at higher levels. Rote skills are not sufficient for success in life today. Must be able to use rote knowledge and skills in a meaningful, integrated way. Critical thinking is the gateway to upper management and corporate success.

17 Summary In specifying learning objectives, appropriate levels of learning must be identified and addressed. Retention and comprehension are enhanced when techniques involving higher levels of learning are used. Meaningful, Integrated Learning, and Critical Thinking are keys to success.

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