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Theology Bites: God. God has authority over people because He created human beings The correct answer is “strongly agree” Only 36% strongly agreed while.

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Presentation on theme: "Theology Bites: God. God has authority over people because He created human beings The correct answer is “strongly agree” Only 36% strongly agreed while."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theology Bites: God

2 God has authority over people because He created human beings The correct answer is “strongly agree” Only 36% strongly agreed while almost 30% disagreed and 11% just didn’t know one way or another.

3 God does not determine all that happens, He simply knows it in advance The correct answer is “strongly disagree” Over 50% agreed while only 19% strongly disagreed.

4 God is a perfect being and cannot make a mistake The correct answer is “strongly agree” Less than 50 % strongly agreed while the rest were either somewhat agreeing, disagreeing or didn’t know.

5 Humans exist to bring God glory and to enjoy Him The correct answer is “strongly agree” 34% strongly agreed, 32% agreed somewhat and the rest disagreed.

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