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 HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus and when a person is infected with the virus, his or her body fluids e.g. blood, semen and vaginal secretions will.

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Presentation on theme: " HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus and when a person is infected with the virus, his or her body fluids e.g. blood, semen and vaginal secretions will."— Presentation transcript:

1  HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus and when a person is infected with the virus, his or her body fluids e.g. blood, semen and vaginal secretions will contain HIV and antibody against the virus.

2  AIDS stands for Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome.  It is the condition that occurs when HIV has weaken the body’s defense system and a person begins to fall ill.

3  HIV is found in the body fluids and can be transmitted when a fluid from an infected person enters the body of another person through:  Sexual intercourse  Blood transfusion  Using unsterile skin-piercing instruments  From infected mother to her infant during pregnancy, childbirth or breast milk.

4  Prolonged diarrhea  Persistent fever  Persistent cough  Skin infections  Enlargement of glands in the neck, groin and / or armpit.  Unexplained weight loss.

5  Abstinence  Be faithful to one uninfected partner  Use of condom  Persistent cough  Skin infections  Enlargement of glands in the neck, groin and / or armpit.  Unexplained weight loss.

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