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The NEP Megan Liu, Celin Phoen and William Turner and Nissa Brennan.

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Presentation on theme: "The NEP Megan Liu, Celin Phoen and William Turner and Nissa Brennan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NEP Megan Liu, Celin Phoen and William Turner and Nissa Brennan

2 WHAT WAS IT? It was an economic policy imposed by Lenin on march 21 st 1921. Examples of the NEP: Peasants would still have to give a fixed amount of grain to the government, but they could still sell their surplus. Peasants who increased the food production would pay less tax. Factories with less than 20 workers would be given back to their owners Important industries, such as coal and steel, still remained under state control.

3 WHY WAS IT BROUGHT IN? During 1921 people under the bolsheviks control were starving and experiencing famine. Many needed resources such as food and clothing were scarce.

4 CONTINUED The NEP would promote trade, privatization and enterprise. The NEP replaced the policies of war communism. Lenin put up the NEP in order to stop the country from collapsing under the sheer amount of pressure the people were facing

5 WHAT WERE IT’S EFFECTS In just a few years there was a growing gap between the prosperity of the few and miserly of many. Collectivization fitted in with communist ideas of common of common ownership. In 1925, as a result of NEP, less than one percent of the land was collectivization. An imbalance was produced where the agricultural sector was growing much faster than heavy industry. NEP succeeded in creating an economic recovery after WW1

6 CONTINUED Unemployment increased under the control of the NEP and a wider gap was created between classes. Economically the NEP was a success, food production and money value increased Also politically it was a success because the requisition squads stopped.

7 WAS IT POPULAR WITH EVERYONE? Trotsky said it was the first sign of the degeneration of Bolshevism Despite the goods that came if the NEP, unemployment skyrocketed and a wider gap was created between classes. Peasants were happy that they had the freedom to sell their surplus grain. The workers were generally in discontent with the fact that they could not control the factories, because the NEP men were controlling it instead.


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