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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, July 31, 2011

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, July 31, 2011

2 John 17 The Great High Priestly Prayer of our Lord!

3 Introduction. A. There are three main parts to this prayer:

4 1. Christ Prays for Himself, vs. 1-5.

5 1. Christ Prays for Himself, vs. 1-5. 2. Christ Prays for His Disciples, vs. 6-19.

6 1. Christ Prays for Himself, vs. 1-5. 2. Christ Prays for His Disciples, vs. 6-19. 3. Christ Prays for His Church, vs. 20-26.

7 Vs. 6-26 is an intercession for those who will form the body of Christ.

8 B. There are four privileges of the Children of God:

9 B. There are four privileges of the Children of God: 1. We share His life, vs. 1-5.

10 B. There are four privileges of the Children of God: 1. We share His life, vs. 1-5. 2. We know His Name, the character and nature of His Person, vs. 6-12.

11 3. We have His Word, vs. 13-19.

12 3. We have His Word, vs. 13-19. 4. We share His glory, vs. 20-26.

13 C. Christ as the High Priest Prayed for:

14 1. His own Glorification, vs. 1-5.

15 1. His own Glorification, vs. 1-5. 2. The believer’s Protection and Security, give them safe passage in the world, vs. 6-12.

16 1. His own Glorification, vs. 1-5. 2. The believer’s Protection and Security, give them safe passage in the world, vs. 6-12. 3. The believer’s Joy, vs. 13.

17 4. The believer’s Deliverance from the Evil One, vs. 15.

18 4. The believer’s Deliverance from the Evil One, vs. 15. 5. The believer’s Sanctification, set them apart by means of Bible Doctrine in their souls, vs. 17.

19 6. The Unity of believers, strengthen them through fellowship, vs. 20-24.

20 6. The Unity of believers, strengthen them through fellowship, vs. 20-24. 7. The Glorification of believers, deliver them home safely to eternity, vs. 22-24.

21 8. The believer to have God’s AGAPE Love in them, vs. 26

22 D. Our Lord is applying much of the template for prayer He gave us in Mat 6:9-12. Compare:

23 Mat 6:9, “Our Father who is in heaven,” with John 17:1.

24 “Hallowed be Your name,” with John 17:1-6.

25 Mat 6:10, “Your kingdom come,” with John 17:7-8.

26 “Your will be done,” with John 17:9-10.

27 “On earth as it is in heaven,” with John 17:10-12.

28 Mat 6:11, “Give us this day our daily bread,” with John 17:13-14.

29 Mat 6:12, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” There was no need for confession of sin as Jesus Christ was perpetually sinless.

30 Mat 6:13, “And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil,” with John 17:14-20.

31 Our Lord concludes with intercessory petitions for the Church and final glorification of the Father, John 17:20-26

32 Mat 6:13, “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

33 Grace Offering

34 Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, July 31, 2011 Tape # 11-085 Our Lords Great High Priestly Prayer, Introduction John 17:1-26 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2011

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