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Definitions W and X Click for each heading then for the answer Work is the price of success.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions W and X Click for each heading then for the answer Work is the price of success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions W and X Click for each heading then for the answer Work is the price of success

2 Water cycle Natural circulation of water around the planet 1.Evaporation over the sea 2.Condensation into clouds 3.Falls as rain 4.Collected in rivers & lakes 5.Returns to sea 6.Cycle starts again 1 54 3 2 6

3 Weight The force of gravity acting on an object Measured in Newtons(N) Weight = Mass (kg) X 10 Watch out here and change to Kg if needed Gravity

4 Watt (W) Unit of power Power = Work Time Kilowatts are used to measure electrical current One kilowatt x one hour = one kilowatt hour (kWh) (one UNIT) 1kW 2kW

5 Work Work = Force X Distance Measured in Joules It’s hard WORK to….. to FORCE the mower over the DISTANCE of the lawn. Energy (J) is the ability to do work

6 White blood cells Defend against disease Red cells Carry oxygen Platelets Clot the blood

7 Womb The Uterus Where the baby develops during pregnancy Lining is lost and replaced every month (menstrual cycle) starting at puberty Except during pregnancy

8 Xylem Tubes that carry water and dissolved minerals in plants

9 Do I know it?? Water cycle Weight Watt (W) Work White blood cells Xylem

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