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Can you handle this?. Government UnificationsChild LaborInd. Rev. Romanticism 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you handle this?. Government UnificationsChild LaborInd. Rev. Romanticism 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you handle this?

2 Government UnificationsChild LaborInd. Rev. Romanticism 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100 500 400 300 200 100

3 In a communist society, what group of people own political and economical power? The community

4 Who is the capitalist who wrote, “An inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations” in 1776? Adam Smith

5 Define Communism A socialist Philosophy that calls for an international revolt of workers against capitalist to create a work utopia.

6 What is socialism? A form of government based on equality, social and economic justice with government intervention.

7 Explain what capitalism is. A for of government that is run by privately owned markets and regulates its own good distribution.

8 Why are child laborers so valuable to employers? Cheap labor, long hours, and obedience. Qualities rarely seen in matured workers.

9 Once installing labor laws throughout a country, what did the majority of countries have a problem with following the declaration of such laws? Enforcement

10 Is child labor still prevalent in today’s society and why? Yes, because the labor comes at a cheap price and children will listen and obey better than older people.

11 Are their children still working in the Philippines? If so, how many? If no, why not? Yes, between 3 and 8 million

12 What is child labor ? Kids working in the work force at an age that is too young to understand what is just and what is unjust.

13 What was the steam engine a substitute for? Human, Animal, Wind and Water Power

14 How was mass production effective? It increased productivity, decreased production times, and has solid efficiency.

15 How were Potatoes more a more effective food source? They grew two to three times more acre than wheat and rye and oats, thus cheaper.

16 List come items traded during this time. Sugar, Fine China, Silk and Leather

17 What caused the Industrial Revolution? Population Growth, Agricultural Revolution, Trade Inventiveness, Britain and Continental Europe.

18 What did the Romanticism Era Signify? The Rejection of Enlightenment

19 What are the main areas of Romanticism? Art, Attitude, Romantic Artists, Nationalism and Architecture

20 What types are architecture is the Romanticism Era known for? Gothic, Medieval, Revival of the Past, and Nostalgia Designs

21 List some Romantic Artists. Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Victor Hugo, George Sand

22 What was the attitude of Romanticism effected by? Moods, Scenes, Stories, Sights and Sounds

23 Who did the “Red Shirts” follow and what unification were they apart of? The “Red Shirts” followed Garibaldi in the fight for independence within the Southern Italian Unification

24 Who led the Northern Italian Unification and played a part in both North and South Italian Unification? Cavour

25 What was the only real Italian State? Piedmont Sardinia, Italy

26 What was attempted within Germany in 1871? (Event sparked unification) The attempt to unify most German Speakers into one single state.

27 What changes occurred in France during the German Unification through 1870 and 1871? Their political Climate; more liberal, completed unification of Italy and Peninsula, sought overseas for expansion possibilities.

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