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AAHVAAN …The Journey Begins…. 4R PRINCIPLES Recycle RefuseReuseReduce.

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Presentation on theme: "AAHVAAN …The Journey Begins…. 4R PRINCIPLES Recycle RefuseReuseReduce."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAHVAAN …The Journey Begins…



4 4R PRINCIPLES Recycle RefuseReuseReduce

5 THE PROCESS Determine WHAT is to be done and WHY Figure out HOW to go about the process Study the CHALLENGES that we face Work towards the MULTIPLYING EFFECT, i.e how it would impact the practices of every family associated with the school.

6 Tatva - Water

7 अजीर्णे भेषजं वारि, जीर्णे वारि बलप्रदम् । भोजने चामृतं वारि, भोजनान्ते विषप्रदम् ॥


9 Present Status Two RAIN WATER HARVESTING units (2006 – Conserved 24,000 L, 2015- 30,000 L) Reusing waste water from RO units –3600 L per day reused in washrooms Consumption cut down by 0.75lac L, by reducing the depth of swimming pool Backwashed water of pool used to water school ground Sprinklers are used to water lawns and fields

10 DATA Capacity of underground storage tank (18.5’x 8’x 4.5’)- 20,000 L RWH tanks – 24,000 + 30,000 L Number of RO plants- 2 with two tanks of 6000 L capacity in total. 60% of TOTAL WATER PROCESSED cannot be consumed 40% goes for consumption.



13 Future plan Use of dry leaves to cover flower beds, to reduce evaporation of water Change of habits and the choices we make Monitors to check leakage Multiplying effect – encouraging students to reuse RO waste water at home

14 Tatva - Air


16 Present Status 133 Mature trees in school campus 1 cut tree to be replaced by 5 (MPH case) Learning – All trees/plants don’t generate equal amounts of Oxygen – Oxygen level near boundary is more than in the building

17 Future Plan Grow more oxygen generating plants like Areca palm, mother-in-law’s tongue, money plant etc. in corridors and classrooms Activity- Taking care of the plants by students Multiplying Effect- Encourage students to grow above stated indoor plants at home


19 Tatva – Land


21 Present Status No barren land Collection of E-waste Kitchen garden Generating manure Least use of pesticides


23 OUR CHALLENGE Segregation of waste generated

24 Future Plan More composting pits Paper recycling plant Training students, staff and sweepers to segregate waste Separate bags for collection Saving paper Reuse of text books

25 No plastic tiffin boxes and bottles- Learning from Apeejay Svran School No aluminum foil Use cloth napkins Collaboration with ‘Goonj’ and old age homes Activity- Demonstration of composting on PTMs Multiplying effect-Individual compost kit for homes Terrace kitchen gardens at home Incentives for composting-selling manure

26 Tatva- Energy


28 Present Status Reducing present electricity consumption

29 Future Plan Solar panels installation of 60 kWh Budget of Rs.40 lakhs- approved by school management It will reduce electricity consumption by 40% Activity-making power monitors Multiplying effect-Power monitors at home Incentive- Prizes for students for reducing energy consumption at home

30 Tatva-ETHER

31 Present Status Minimum use of Air conditioners. Larger area covered by school transport Least use of private transport

32 Future Plan Car pool Encouraging reuse of electronic gadgets ‘Car free day’ once a week




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