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CAS/SSC Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "CAS/SSC Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAS/SSC Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team PositionNameAffiliationEmailHas gone through online training ChairZhuo LiIBMzhuoli@ieee.orgYes Vice ChairNan SunUT TreasurerMikel AshTexas SecretarySeth WilkSJT AdvisorMatt Felder Maxim

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates l Meeting location: UT Campus ACES 2.402 l Thirteen technical seminars so far this year l 2012 Workshop Story is published in SSCS Magazine l Seminars for September and October on the calendar - November and December seminars in planning stages l March 8 Workshop: IEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Workshop: Texas Workshop on Integrated System Exploration (TexasWISE) l l Speakers from Stanford, MIT, Rice, and UT Dallas l Attendance: 98 l Manage Your Career -- Don't Get Blindsided by Reality: IEEE Workshop l New officer elections to be held in upcoming meeting

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Improved Chapter Website

5 IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 1/18TechnicalSSCS Webinar and Distinguished Lecture High Speed Op-Amp Design: Compensation and Topologies for Two and Three Stage Designs Prof. R. Jacob Baker (UNLV) Yes 1/29TechnicalHigh Voltage Devices on Scaled Technologies for RF and Power Management Applications Dr. Seth Wilk (SJT Micropower) Yes 2/07TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC Febrary Meeting: IOT (Internet of Things) for Smart cities � Applications of wireless sensor networks to numerous markets � smart energy, smart health, etc. Kwok Wu (Freescale) Yes 3/01TechnicalContinuous-time Delta Sigma Modulators with Improved Linearity and Reduced Clock Jitter Sensitivity Shanthi Pavan (IIT) Yes 3/05TechnicalThe Annual Review of the ISSCC Conference: Analog and RF Ramin Poorfard - RF and Axel Thomsen - Analog Yes

6 IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 3/19TechnicalThe Annual Review of the ISSCC Conference: Digital, Processor and Memory Betty Prince - Memory and Eric Fluhr - Digital Yes 3/22ProfessionalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC Joint Meeting: Life in Semiconductors and Technology: An Asian American Perspective (AAAFSA Distinguished Speaker Series) Lisa Su (AMD)Yes 4/18TechnicalIEEE SSC Distinguished Lecturer: RFIC Based Phased Arrays: From 6 GHz to > 100 GHz Gabriel M. Rebeiz (UCSD) Yes 5/23TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA, CAS/SSC, COM/SP Austin, Education Society, TMC Austin, and WIE Joint May Meeting: Do you want to be the next IEEE-USA Congressional Fellow? Leslie Martinich (Competitive Focus) Yes 6/10TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC June Meeting: Through-Silicon-Via Inductor based DC-DC Converters: The Marriage of the Princess and the Dragon Yiyu Shi of Missouri University of Science and Technology Yes

7 IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 6/20TechnicalIEEE CTS ED/CEDA/CAS/SSC Joint June Meeting: IEEE Electronic Devices Society Distinguished Lecture: Integrated Nanotechnology for Sustainable Future and Smart Living Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (KAUST) Yes 8/21TechnicalStart-up 2013: It’s a Brave New World Out There Dave PanosYes 8/28TechnicalManage Your Career -- Don't Get Blindsided by Reality: an IEEE Workshop David Smith, CEO of HBMG, Inc. and Tommy Chiodo, M. Ed., LPC., Career Counselor Yes 9/19TechnicalIEEE CTS CAS/SSC September Meeting: IEEE CAS Distinguished Lecture: Fundamentals and Recent Advances on Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators Jose Silva- Martinez (Texas A&M University) Yes 10/10TechnicalBest practices for analog layout in advanced process nodes Matt Felder (Maxim) Yes

8 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths l Good technical talks, DL program. l Stable attendance rate. l Strong sponsorship for other local chapter events l Continued strength in workshops. l Good leadership pipeline. l Stable funding resource from CAS and SSC Society. l Extra subsidy funding from CAS and SSC for workshop or extra events to promote memberships. l Weaknesses l Find more good technical talks and workshop topics. l Increase attendance rate. l Little social events outside of technical seminar meetings

9 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Opportunities l Local chip design and EDA companies l University of Texas, Austin l Threats l Seminars inside companies and Universities l A less interesting workshop may get cancelled or need more funding.

10 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Two more DL speakers committed for this year l Chapter social event planning for early December

11 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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