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Harry Potter a boy with glasses a boy who is brave and wearing glasses a brave boy attribute.

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2 Harry Potter a boy with glasses a boy who is brave and wearing glasses a brave boy attribute

3 Who are you?? Who are you?? Who are you?? Who are you??

4 I am an astronaut. An astronaut is a person. He works and travels in space. An astronaut is a person. He works and travels in space. who

5 How did you come here?? How did you come here ?? How did you come here?? How did you come here??

6 I was sent into the sky by a space craft. Space craft is a vehicle (运载 工具) it can travel in space. space craft is a vehicle _________ can travel in space. that / which

7 1.An astronaut is a person who works and travels in space. 2. Space craft is a vehicle that/ which can travel in space. 3. Space capsule is a place where an astronaut works. 4. 15 th oct. 2003 was the day when Yang Liwei was sent into the sky antecedent 先行词 relative pronoun 关系代词 relative adverb 关系副词 antecedent 先行词

8 In the attributive clauses, the relative words usually function as subject, object, predicative, attribute, and adverbial. (P. 8) Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom whose Relative adverbs: when, where, why

9 Read the article on P. 9 and underline the attributive clauses in it.

10 That / which 指物, 作主语或宾语 ( 作宾语可省略 ) Space craft is a vehicle (that/ which can travel in space). The space craft (that/ which you see on TV) is made in China who/that 指人, 作主语或宾语 ( 作宾语可省略) An astronaut is a person (who/that works and travels in space). The astronaut (who/that Harry porter met in space) is Yang Liwei.

11 whom 指人, 作宾语 ( 可省略), 比 who 作宾语更正式 The astronaut (whom Harry porter met in space) is Yang Liwei. whose 指人或物, 作定语 ( 不可省略 ) He is the character of the book. His name is Harry Potter. He is the character of the book (whose name is Harry Potter). I have read the book (whose character I like very much).

12 Which baby do you like best ? I like the baby who/that/whose… Gnaw (咬) his fingers Grovel( 匍匐) on the ground

13 Which is your favorite monkey ?

14 “That” is usually used in the following situations.

15 I am sure she has nothing that you can borrow. I’ve read every book that is borrowed from the library. This is the first book that he has read. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. This is the very book that belongs to him. (1) 先行词为 all, everything, nothing, anything, little, much 等不定代词时。 (2) 先行词被 all, every, no, some, any, little, much 等 修饰时。 (3) 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。 (4) 先行词被 the only, the very 修饰时。 I’ve read all the books that are about this matter.

16 Anteced ent (先 行词) Subject( 主语) Object (宾语) Possessive (所有格) Note Personswho/that whom/ who/that whose A relative pronoun (关 系代词) can be omitted (省略) when it is used as the object in an attributive clause (定语 从句) things which/ that what/that whose/of which Relative pronouns used in attributive clauses


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