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1 NCSX WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE PLG 7/23/03 STATUS Study is for 120 degree VVSA field period assembly. Vessel Installation Support Concept.

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1 1 NCSX WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE PLG 7/23/03 STATUS Study is for 120 degree VVSA field period assembly. Vessel Installation Support Concept Identified. Vessel Handling Support Concept Identified. Hard Points and Access Identified. Preliminary Stress Analysis Complete.

2 2 WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Installation Concept Geometry Gravity Load - Hung from vessel top surface bosses and lugs to shell. - 6 point suspension(2 per period). Vertical Upward Load - reacted either by outboard lugs at NB ports or - by 6 points on lower surface (2 per period). - choice driven by convenience and magnitude of load. Radial and Lateral (toroidal) Loads. - reacted by lugs at NB ports.

3 3 WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Installation Concept Contin.

4 4 Top Mount Pros Permits line of sight access from outside through shell. ( installation from outside shell) Permits tension rod (small cross section). Top Mount Cons Thermal growth is all downward, not symmetric from midline. Requires additional penetration into vessel.

5 5 WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Installation Concept Contin.

6 6 Top Suspension Rational Difficult to achieve 6 points (minimum) on midline with clear access. Thermal growth is predictable and easy to compensate for. Midline mounts would induce large bending moments. Boss penetrations are simple and equivalent to port installations. WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Installation Concept Contin.

7 7 WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 STRESS ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS –Gravity load on 120 degree field period –Hung from two top hard points –Modeled without ports to save time –Equivalent weight with ports used in model(more flexible than real case) RESULTS –Stress in wall only 5 ksi REMAINING WORK –Model rerun with ports –Detailing mounts

8 8 VM Stress (Mechanica)

9 9 VM Stress Clevis #1 Clevis #2

10 10 Geometry 4 point mount to shell. –Two inboard upper hard points used for installation. –Two hard points outboard on top. 2 optional locations on bottom, outboard. WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Handling Concept

11 11 Top location for all 4 hard points permits lift with crane. Utilizing inboard points and all four outboard points (top/bottom) would give handling flexibility. –Lower mounts could take load off while adjusting upper mounts. –Lower mounts could be used to react vertical loads. WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Handling Concept Contin.

12 12 WBS-1201-190 HANDLING/SUPPORT UPDATE 7/23/03 Vessel Handling Concept Contin. Handling Procedure (abridged version) a. Mount vessel period to fixture using vertical ports, NB port. Install insulation, diagnostics, etc b. Manipulate coil/shell assys over vessel ends with handler and bolt up to each other. c. Install 4 vessel hangers and radial lugs at NB port to shell and align vessel. d. Install TF coils. e. Install port extensions. f. Release vessel from fixture, suspending it from shell. g. Perform field period testing, metrology. h. Transport assembly to site and mate to other period sectors. i. Remove two outboard vessel hangers.

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