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Mass, Volume and Density

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Presentation on theme: "Mass, Volume and Density"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass, Volume and Density

2 Mass is a measurement of the amount of matter an object contains. (g)

3 How is weight different than mass?
Weight measures the force of gravity and mass measures how much matter an object contains.

4 Volume Volume is the amount of space an object takes up (cm3 or mL)
Measured in mL for liquids in a graduated cylinder Measured in cm3 for solids Regular shape V= L x W x H Irregular shape uses displacement method mL=cm3

5 Density Density is the measure of the amount of matter in a given space. Density = Mass/Volume All samples of the same material, whatever their shape and size have the same density

6 Catwoman vs. Barbie Catwoman Mass 20 g Barbie Mass 20 g
Catwoman Volume 10 cm3 Barbie Volume 40 cm3 Calculate their densities……..

7 Who is more Dense? Catwoman 20 g = 2 g/cm3 10 cm3
Barbie 20 g = .5 g/ cm3 40 cm3

8 Half of Catwoman is……….. If we cut catwoman in half, what is her density? Half her mass? Half her volume?

9 Mass = 20 g (10g) Volume = 10 cm3 (5 cm3) Density = 2 g/cm3 It is the same, all samples of the same material, whatever their shape and size have the same density.

10 Float or Sink? Which will float and which will sink?

11 Density of Water Based on the densities of Catwoman and Barbie:
What do you predict is the density of water?

12 If Catwoman sinks (2 g/ml) and Barbie floats (
If Catwoman sinks (2 g/ml) and Barbie floats (.5 g/ml) then I think the density of water is ____g/ ml, because __________________.

13 Data Table Volume of Water Mass of Empty GC Water + GC
Density of Water Part 1 100 mL Part 2 50 mL

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