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Industrial Relations Strikes.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Relations Strikes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Relations Strikes

2 What is a strike? A strike is legal action taken by employees against their employer over disputes such as wage demands. The employees, when striking don’t go to work and instead form a picket outside their workplace so people realise a strike is going on.

3 Legal strikes The procedure to make a strike legal is that your union notifies all members concerned and have a secret ballot The majority of the ballot must be in favour of a strike for it to go ahead. After this the union has to give the employer notice of one week, that a strike is going to happen. The workers cannot be sued, if they follow this procedure. This means they have immunity.

4 Illegal strikes A Wild Cat strike is a strike which has given the employer no warning whatsoever and hence is illegal. The employer is well with in his rights to sue who ever goes on a wildcat strike.

5 How to end a strike To end a strike the employer and the employees have to come to an agreement over the dispute and when this happens the strike will be over.


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