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Introduction to the WRF Modeling System

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1 Introduction to the WRF Modeling System
Jimy Dudhia NCAR/MMM

2 WRF Modeling System Overview

3 Modeling System Components
WRF Standard Initialization (WRF SI) Inputs Grid location/levels Terrain/land-use Gridded fields (Grib) Output Surface and met. fields on WRF grid at various times [wrf_input.d01.(date)]

4 Modeling System Components
Programs real.F and ideal.F Use same namelist and Registry as wrf.F Function Provide hydrostatically balanced fields for WRF model Convert met. fields to WRF model variables Provide fields in WRF I/O format

5 Modeling System Components
Program real.F for real-data initialization Inputs WRF namelist.input Standard Initialization output Outputs WRF input file (wrfinput) WRF boundary file (wrfbdy)

6 Modeling System Components
Program ideal.F for idealized cases Inputs WRF namelist.input Outputs WRF input file (wrfinput)

7 Modeling System Components
Program wrf.F Inputs WRF namelist.input WRF input file (wrfinput) WRF boundary file (wrfbdy, for real-data cases only) Various physics data files Outputs WRF output file [wrfout_d01_(time)] WRF restart files [wrfrst_d01_(time)]

8 WRF I/O Current option is NetCDF Can be plotted with NCL scripts
Can be converted to Vis5D or GrADS Additional program: MM52WRF Converts MM5 input to WRF input Same output as WRF SI

9 What the WRF System does not have yet
Multiple output formats Nesting (1-way or 2-way) Ingest of non-Grib grids 3DVAR Observation ingest and analysis Land-surface model

10 WRF Modeling System Overview

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