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Questions Answering Structure Survey BOOK2 Unit5 I. Structure Survey Part I ( Para.1 ) Part Ⅱ ( Para. 2 - 5 ) Part Ⅲ ( Para. 6 ) Part Ⅳ ( Para. 7 - 8.

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2 Questions Answering Structure Survey

3 BOOK2 Unit5 I. Structure Survey Part I ( Para.1 ) Part Ⅱ ( Para. 2 - 5 ) Part Ⅲ ( Para. 6 ) Part Ⅳ ( Para. 7 - 8 ) I feel terrible seeing my daughter smoking. My father’s story. The cases in Third World countries. The author’s feeling as a mother and her view on smoking.

4 BOOK2 Unit5 II. Questions Answering Camel, Marlboro and Player, what are they according to the text? Tip cigarette brands Part I ( Para.1 )

5 BOOK2 Unit5 Part Ⅱ ( Para. 2 - 5 ) 1. What did the author’s father smoke before he smoked cigarettes made by manufactures? Tip Prince Albert, tobacco, roll

6 BOOK2 Unit5 Part Ⅱ ( Para. 2 - 5 ) 2. What effect did the Hollywood movies have on her father? Tip hook by, heroes, fashionable, He was hooked by cigarettes because of the fashionable looks of the smoking heroes in the movies.

7 BOOK2 Unit5 Part Ⅱ ( Para. 2 - 5 ) 3. How did smoking hurt her father’s health? Tip Smoking made him breathe difficultly; he had to rest very often when he was climbing stairs. It’s usual for him to cough for an hour. He died from pneumonia at last.

8 BOOK2 Unit5 Part Ⅲ ( Para. 6 ) In the Third World countries, how is money spent? What results from that? Tip Money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies. As a result, people starve themselves for both food and air, effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves.

9 BOOK2 Unit5 Part Ⅳ ( Para. 7 - 8 ) 1. Why does the author feel a deep hurt as a mother? Tip She does her best to take care of her daughter even since the pregnancy. But everything she ‘s done will be in vain, for her daughter is a smoker now.

10 BOOK2 Unit5 Part Ⅳ ( Para. 7 - 8 ) 2. How does the author view smoking? Tip Smoking is a form of self-battering that also batters those who must sit by.

11 Paraphrase Translation Translation Analysis Analysis Paraphrase Translation Translation Analysis Analysis

12 BOOK2 Unit5 1. When she smoked Marlboros and Players I hardened myself against feeling so bad; … (L7) When she smoked Marlboros and Players I made myself become less sympathetic and less easily affected emotionally; … 当她抽 “ 万宝路 ” 及 “ 运动员 ” 牌香烟时, 我硬起心肠,不让自己感到难过。

13 BOOK2 Unit5 2. … he smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself. (L11) … he smoked cigarettes he rolled himself by using the tobacco that had the brand name Prince Albert. 他抽的是用阿尔伯特亲王牌烟丝自己手 工卷制的香烟。

14 BOOK2 Unit5 3. … as he lit his first cigarette upon getting out of bed. (L27) … as he lit his first cigarette immediately after he got out of bed. 他早晨下床点第一支烟时 ······ e.g. Upon asking for information I was told I must wait. e.g. On being introduced to someone, a British person often shakes hands. upon/on doing sth.: immediately after the occasion of sth.

15 BOOK2 Unit5 … during that period of time (when money that should be spent for food is instead paid to the tobacco companies for their cigarettes), people cause themselves to suffer from not having food to eat and fresh air to breathe in, … 久而久之,人们不但缺少食物,而且还缺少空气。 4. … over time, people starve themselves of both food and air, … (L42)

16 BOOK2 Unit5 5. … effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves. (L43) … effectively making their children weaker and dependent on cigarettes (in the same way as they are), eventually killing themselves. 这样不但大大地削弱了孩子们的体质,还使他 们染上了烟瘾,最终还会置他们于死地。

17 BOOK2 Unit5 6. … surely one such victory in my family, for the prosperous leaders who own the tobacco companies, is enough. (L57) … surely one victim of the tobacco industry in my family means that the prosperous owners of the tobacco companies have won a victory in my family, but one such victim is enough (otherwise it would be too much for my family). …… 那些生意兴隆的烟草公司的巨头们在我家 取得一次这样的胜利就够了,如果还有第二个 受害者我们会无法承受。

18 Old to New Chinese to English Word Using

19 BOOK2 Unit5 cry examine carefully thankful mainly slight, not fat smoke(slang); pull  weep  study  grateful  largely  slim  drag I. Old to New

20 BOOK2 Unit5  close at hand  be dressed in  couple with  lean on  struggle to do near, close by wear link/associate with rest on (for support) make great effort to do I. Old to New

21 BOOK2 Unit5 几何(学) 平面几何 立体几何 解析几何 一包香烟 一包豌豆  geometry  plane geometry  solid geometry  analytical geometry  a package of cigarettes  a package of peas II. Chinese to English

22 BOOK2 Unit5 过滤嘴香烟 滤过的咖啡 好莱坞电影 一则新产品 广告 城区, 市中心区  filtered cigarettes  filtered coffee  Hollywood movies  an advertisement of a new product  inner cities

23 BOOK2 Unit5 经验丰富老于 世故的人 家庭团聚 老鼠药 毒气 农用杀虫剂 化学杀虫剂  an experienced and worldly man  family reunion  rat poison  poison gas  agricultural insecticide  chemical insecticide

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