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 5 Steps  Attention  Need  Satisfaction  Visualization  Action.

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Presentation on theme: " 5 Steps  Attention  Need  Satisfaction  Visualization  Action."— Presentation transcript:

1  5 Steps  Attention  Need  Satisfaction  Visualization  Action

2  Garners attention  Sets tone  Establishes topic and exigence

3  Statement – Description of the problem  Illustration – Offer an example that illustrates the problem  Ramifications – Add facts, show the extent of the need  Pointing/Relevance – Offer example demonstrating relevance to and potential impact on health, safety and happiness; show connection between problem and audience’s needs, values and emotions

4  What can be done?  Statement – what do you want to be done?  Explanation – elaboration and clarification of action needed to be taken  Theoretical Demonstration – how and why the action being urged will help solve/address the problem  Practical demonstration – offer examples of how similar actions in similar situations resolve similar problems

5  Intensify emotions; paint picture of possibilities  Positive – vivid description of how situation will be in the future if audience acts  Negative – what will happen if they don’t act  Contrast – show both

6  Urge the audience to act; final emotional appeal

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