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SITE. ZOM-08-15 CPA-04-15 ZOM-08-15 R-1B R-1A PD A A.

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Presentation on theme: "SITE. ZOM-08-15 CPA-04-15 ZOM-08-15 R-1B R-1A PD A A."— Presentation transcript:


2 ZOM-08-15

3 CPA-04-15

4 ZOM-08-15 R-1B R-1A PD A A

5 ZOM-08-15 CPA-04-15

6 Background Park Lane is a previously approved mixed-use planned development (PD) district. It is approved for 500 housing units (224 of which have been built) and over 200,000 square feet of non-residential development (a mixed of office and retail). Existing non-residential development on the site includes a CVS and small-scale retail stores and offices.

7 Applicant Request (CPA-04-15) The applicant is requesting a small scale land use amendment (under 10 acres) that would remove commercial and office land use designations within the development and replace these with Medium-High Density land use designations (8-14 dwelling units per acre).

8 Applicant Request (ZOM-08-15) The applicant is requesting to expand the PD by one acre in order to incorporate an additional parcel located along Archer Road. If the land use changes associated with CPA-04-15 are approved, the applicant is also requesting that non-residential square footage be reduced from 229,300 square feet to 46,300 square feet while permitting an additional 145 multi-family residential units.

9 Staff Comments If approved, the development will required to follows the design standards for traditional neighborhood developments (TND’s) as required in the Comprehensive Plan for mixed-use development within activity centers

10 Staff Recommendation Staff finds the proposed small scale land use amendments consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as a whole with the bases as noted in the staff report.

11 Staff Recommendation Should the requested land use amendment be approved, staff then recommends that the Commission approve the requested changes to the PD (ZOM-08-15) with the bases and amended conditions as found in the staff report.

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