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STRIDOR IN NEONATES AND INFANTS Ravi Pachigolla, MD Ronald Deskin, MD.

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Presentation on theme: "STRIDOR IN NEONATES AND INFANTS Ravi Pachigolla, MD Ronald Deskin, MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRIDOR IN NEONATES AND INFANTS Ravi Pachigolla, MD Ronald Deskin, MD

2 Definition of Stridor l Venturi Principle l Musical Sounds l Levels of Obstruction

3 History and Physical l Duration l Severity l Related Symptoms l Examination l Radiography l Endoscopy

4 Laryngotracheobronchitis l Viral illness l Self Limited l Biphasic Stridor

5 Epiglottitis l Rapid Onset l Severe l Controlled Intubation

6 Laryngomalacia l Flaccid supraglottis vs. neuromuscular immaturity l Self-limited l Diagnosis l Surgical Correction

7 Subglottic Stenosis l Diagnosis l Congenital vs. Acquired l Anterior Cricoid Split l Laryngotracheoplasty

8 Subglottic Hemangioma l History and presentation l Treatment l Location

9 Vocal Cord Paralysis l Usually idiopathic l Characteristic sound l Usually self limited if unilateral l Bilateral more severe

10 Vascular Anomalies l Anomalous innominate artery l Double aortic arch l Retroesophageal right subclavian artery

11 Laryngeal Webs l Cause l Symptoms l Treatment

12 Laryngotracheal Clefts l Difficult diagnosis l Symptoms l Endoscopy l Treatment l Complications

13 Foreign Bodies l History and Presentation l Coordinated Team Effort l Proper Equipment essential l Techniques and complications

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