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Raw data for … 105/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) …the LAR-calorimeter Witek Krasny (CERN)

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Presentation on theme: "Raw data for … 105/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) …the LAR-calorimeter Witek Krasny (CERN)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raw data for … 105/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) …the LAR-calorimeter Witek Krasny (CERN)

2 205/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) The LAr ROD and ROB data based upon: LAr TDR, CERN/LHCC 96-41. The ROD Demonstrator for the LAr Calorimeter, ATL-COM- Lar-99-011, 8 DEC 1998, last modified 30 March 2000. Stefan Simion; Compression of EM Calorimeter data, Note OCT. 1999 … discussions with Stefan Simion (thanks for help in understanding various functional aspects of FEB and ROD electronics) discussion with Jorgen Beck Hansen and Luc Poggioli

3 305/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) The LAr ROD input data ~185 000 read out channels each channel provides 16 x N samples bits (N samples = 3-32 ) for each L1 accepted trigger: 4 bits/channel - control and gain 12 bits/channel for ADC conversions 8 bits/ADC for switch capacitor addresses “New” mapping: 1 DSP/FEB, 8 channels/ADC, 128 channels/DSP, 256 channels/S-Link, 1024 channels/ROD, (4 S-Links/ROD) “Old” mapping: 2 DSP/FEB, 64 channels/DSP, 256 channels/ROD

4 405/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) The LAr ROB input data Open questions: Number of samples 5 …(up to 32 in special runs) L1A dependent transfer (not considered so far) Energies - zero suppression schemes (noise cuts), isolated cell treatment Different packing of small and large energies (16 and 32 bits) (time and c2) = zero suppression schemes, treatment of out of time and bad c2 cells, etc… Packing of RADD words (addresses of switch-capacitors) Intelligent compression schemes (e.g. Stefan Simion)

5 505/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) The LAr ROB input data 12+4 bits - ADC + Gain info for each channel and each sample (N_samples=5,32) (8 bits - SCA info for each ADC (8 channels) and each sample (N_samples=5,32)) Version 0 (N_samples) – “Transparent” (ROD input = ROB input)

6 605/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) The LAr ROB input data 32 bits - energy for each channel 16 bits - time for each channel 16 bits - c2 – quality factor for each channel Version 1 – “Preprocessed” Standard LAr proposal

7 705/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) The LAr ROB input data 32 bits - Best estimator of energy deposited in the L1 trigger bunch crossing for each channel ?Version2- “Reconstructed ROD info”? Radical user-friendly proposal

8 805/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) “Zero” suppression schemes Scheme 0: full info for all channels recorded Scheme 1: suppression of the c2 and time info for channels with energies below n * s_ noise level (n=1,2,3…) Scheme 2?: suppression of all info for channels with energies below n * s_ noise level (n=1,2,3…) NOTE: For schemes 1-2 addresses of channels with suppressed info have to be provided

9 905/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) “Zero” suppression schemes Scheme 3?: “Scheme 3” + further suppression of the c2 and time info for channels defined as “out of L1_time” defined on the basis of the c2 and time values Scheme 4?: “Scheme 1” + suppression of info for all cells outside topologically defined Regions of Retention (R0R) (according to e.g. J.L. Pinfold scheme – Note: need to run cell clustering algorithm – most likely excluded at the ROD DSP level ) NOTE: For schemes 3-4 addresses of channels with suppressed info have to be provided

10 1005/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Compression methods Method 0: S. Simion - “no loss of info” method which can be used for Version 0 of the ROB input data (for the first sample the ADC count is given, for the following samples only the compressed differences are provided using the “k-bit split- sample technique of NASA szip algorithm) Method 1: reduction to 16 bits the info on cell energies below certain energy threshold E_hthr Method 2?: reduction to 16 bits the info on cell energies and reduction to 8 bits the c2 and time info below certain energy threshold E_hthr

11 1105/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Addressing modes for non-suppressed channels Mode 0: Ordering of channels according to ROD number, S-link number (4/ROB), DSP/FEB number, ADC number,(Sample number) (addresses of a channels specified by their position on the list) Mode 1?: “Nick Ellis scheme” …as for TRT for each zero-non-suppressed channel write a n-bit address offset (in the case of more than 2**n -2 consecutive zero-suppressed channels write full address code after each group of 2**n -1 consecutive empty straws) Mode 2?: “Header bits” for each FEB/DSP block containing 128 channels write 4 x 32 bits – 0 for zero suppressed channels and 1 for zero unsuppressed channels, 4 x 32 bits to identify channels with the c2 and time info suppressed, 4 x 32 bits to identify channels with energy compressed to 16 bits and c2 and time compressed to 8 bits each.

12 1205/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Example of a “Mode 2” FEB block structure 0/1 For cells with suppressed/non-suppressed andinfo 0/1 For cells with suppressed/non-suppressed c2 and time info 0/1 no compression/16bit energy, 8 bit and compressed cells 0/1 no compression/16bit energy, 8 bit c2 and time compressed cells x x x x 0/1 For suppressed/non-suppressed cells Cell n empty Cell m with 4 byte energy Cell m with 2 x 2 byte and Cell m with 2 x 2 byte c2 and time Cell k with 2 byte long energy and 1 x 1 byte long and Cell k with 2 byte long energy and 1 x 1 byte long c2 and time 32 bit words x x x x xxxx

13 1305/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Propositions: ROB data VERSION /SCHEME/ METHOD/ MODE Name VERSION /SCHEME/ METHOD/ MODE Satisfying 1.Raw 0 0 0 0 1b,2b,3a,4ab,5b,6b,7b 2.Standard 1 1 1 2 1ba,2a,3ab,4a,5b,6ab,7ba 3.Inclusive 1 3 2 2 1a,2a,3b,4a,5ba,6a,7a+b 4.Radical 2 2 2 1 1a,2a,3b,4a,5a,6a,7a+b

14 1405/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Interface ROB-data – Reconstruction (proposition) ROB data reconstructed ROB digits Sub-detector domain Raw Standard Inclusive Radical Unpacking Standard Inclusive Radical Raw Off-line cell and cluster energies Calibration, noisy channels,etc + geometry mapping Ordered according to Electronic channel

15 1505/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Interface ROB-data – LV2 (proposition) ROB data LV2 ROB data Sub-detector domain Raw Standard Inclusive Radical LV2 cell energies: iROD, iFEB, iADC,, iFT, jLAY,jETA, jPHI Energy iXXX - electronic channel ID jXXX - geometrical channel ID Energy – energy deposited in the L1 trigger bunch crossing  Sub-detector contribution to HLT algorithms  LV2 algorithms Unpacking and hardware-geometry mapping, rough calibration calibration LV2 cluster energies: ETA_C, PHI_C, E_C EST1,EST2,EST3 ETA-C, PHI_C – Position of the Cluster Center of Gravity E_C – energy of the Cluster ESTx – Cluster property estimators  Backgroundfilters Physicsselectors

16 1605/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Interface 1: Simulation – Reconstruction-LV2 (proposition) LV2-ROB format Raw Standard Inclusive LV2 Cell energies  Reconstruction domain domain Simulation domain Detailed simulation: Including: Full simulation of the Lar Front-end electronics, Including pile-up from Consecutive bunch crossings.. EXPERT INTERFACE Standard Inclusive Raw Sym-bits Rec-digits/ROB Calibration, Dead channels, Etc. Cell energies,time, c2 ???????? Reconstruction format LV2 Cluster energies 

17 1705/04/2002 CAT meeting Witek Krasny(CERN) Interface 2:Simulation- Reconstruction–LV2 (proposition) Radical LV2 - Cell energies  Off-line Reconstruction and LV2 use The same data structure -convergence Simulation domain Fast simulation: Including: Fast simulation + parameterized response of deposited Cell energies. GENERIC USER INTERFACE LV2 – Cluster energies 

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