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Chapter four In chapter three, Boxer, whom ‘the entire work of the farm seemed to rest on his mighty shoulders,’ creates a motto: ‘I will work harder!’

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter four In chapter three, Boxer, whom ‘the entire work of the farm seemed to rest on his mighty shoulders,’ creates a motto: ‘I will work harder!’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter four In chapter three, Boxer, whom ‘the entire work of the farm seemed to rest on his mighty shoulders,’ creates a motto: ‘I will work harder!’ Create an appropriate motto for Mollie and Squealer.

2 What propaganda is spread by humans about Animal Farm? How do animals from other areas begin to react about the news of Animal Farm? What was the purpose of the pigeon and geese attack? After the men attack with hobnail boots and sticks, the animals retreat. What was the purpose of that? What is the advantage of getting the men inside the farmyard? What is Snowball’s contribution to the battle? How does Snowball react to Boxer’s guilt about accidentally killing a stable boy? What is Napoleon’s contribution? How does Mollie react to circumstances?

3 THE BATTLE OF THE COWSHED Write a first hand, biased account of what happened. Use information from the chapter. Comment upon and praise Snowball’s tactics. Write about other animal heroes. Mention the bravery awards. Comment on Mollie’s part in the battle.

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