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The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, & The Five Precepts

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1 The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, & The Five Precepts
Buddhism The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, & The Five Precepts

2 Who is Buddha? Siddhartha Gautama
Wanted to know why there was suffering & how to stop that suffering Meditated and traveled to find the answer Took 6 years! Became enlightened Spent the rest of his life spreading his message Became known as Buddha

3 Why was Buddhism appealing?
Hindus dissatisfied Wanted a way to escape the cycle of reincarnation Wanted to find Nirvana, or enlightenment Felt that not everyone in society was doing their jobs for the common good Buddha’s teaching gave them hope

4 The Middle Way Buddha taught that the way to spiritual enlightenment was to follow The Middle Way Promoted BALANCE!!!! Avoid extremes in life Wanting it all Giving it all up To follow The Middle Way, one needs to understand the Four Noble Truths

5 Four Noble Truths Life is full of suffering
Suffering comes from desire/wanting Suffering stops when desire/wanting stops In order to stop those desires/wants, follow the Eightfold Path

6 Eightfold Path Right Understanding Right Aims
Know & understand the Four Noble Truths Right Aims Give up worldly things Love & help others Do not cheat Wisdom

7 Eightfold Path Right Speech Right Action Tell the truth Do not gossip
Listen & communicate with others Right Action NEVER steal, kill, or be jealous Do good for others’ gain, not your own reward

8 Eightfold Path Right Livelihood/Proper Work
Do work that does not cause harm Morality

9 Eightfold Path Right Thinking/Right Effort
Focus on positive thoughts Get rid of the negative Right Awareness/Right Mindfulness Mind should control the body Know when to say no to what your body wants

10 Eightfold Path Meditation Train your mind to concentrate Think deeply
Find peace within yourself Meditation

11 Five Precepts The Eightfold Path helps Buddhists to follow the Five Precepts (moral code) Do not take the life of anything living Do not take anything not freely given Abstain from sensual overindulgence Refrain from untrue speech Avoid intoxication

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