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Fashion Victims. What is it?   Fashion victim is a term coined by Oscar de la Renta that is used to identify a person who is unable to identify commonly.

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion Victims. What is it?   Fashion victim is a term coined by Oscar de la Renta that is used to identify a person who is unable to identify commonly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion Victims

2 What is it?   Fashion victim is a term coined by Oscar de la Renta that is used to identify a person who is unable to identify commonly recognized boundaries of style.Oscar de la Rentastyle

3 What is it?   Fashion victims are victims because they are vulnerable to faddishness and materialism faddishness materialism   According to Versace, "When a woman alters her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim."Versace

4 Fad   intense but short-lived fashion trend. Fads are also by their nature at the extreme range of currently acceptable style, which means they commonly cross the line from the sublime to the ridiculous.

5 Materialism   Designer labels have come to form an important part of our identification of style and fashion.   Designer branding is sometimes associated with a higher quality of manufacture and a more expensive price. The ownership and display of such products of quality is frequently marketed to suggest that the wearer will automatically embody a personal characteristic of quality by association.brandingmarketed

6 How to Avoid being a Fashion Victim  1. don’t be a compulsive buyer  2. don’t spend beyond your means  3. Scan, clean and organize your current wardrobe  4. Dress in a way that represents YOU

7 Are you a victim?  Have you ever been a fashion victim?  career/quizzes/131-are- you-a-fashion-victim career/quizzes/131-are- you-a-fashion-victim career/quizzes/131-are- you-a-fashion-victim

8 Assignment  Search magazines and the internet for some fashion victims. (Must find a minimum of 5)  Tell me why they are a fashion victim and how they could fix the problem.

9 Example  Imagine if you saw this woman on the street… is she a fashion victim?

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