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姓名 : 李信昌 學號 :95680026 Data resources are: 奇摩 On-line dictionary Report the :Stuart Little I am going to do the presentation about Stuart Little word.

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Presentation on theme: "姓名 : 李信昌 學號 :95680026 Data resources are: 奇摩 On-line dictionary Report the :Stuart Little I am going to do the presentation about Stuart Little word."— Presentation transcript:

1 姓名 : 李信昌 學號 :95680026 Data resources are: 奇摩 On-line dictionary Report the :Stuart Little I am going to do the presentation about Stuart Little word

2 Discard vi. ( 不及物動詞 intransitive verb) 拋棄, 丟棄 Ex: discard an old pair of shoes. 扔掉一雙舊鞋 n. ( 名詞 noun) 被拋棄的東西 ( 或人 ) EX : the discards of society. 被社會遺棄的人們 next page… He did, however, come across an old discarded rowing machine of Mr. Little’s, and becoming interested in this. (p.24)

3 Little’s glass of water. No one could eat, so great was the sorrow. George ate a bit of dessert but nothing else. (p.24) Sorrow n. ( 名詞 noun) 悲痛, 悲哀 EX : He was full of sorrow. 他非常傷心 vi. ( 不及物動詞 intransitive verb) 感到悲傷 EX : She sorrowed over her beloved child's death. 她痛失愛子。

4 George!”shouted Mr.Little in an exasperated tone, if you don,t stop acting in an idiotic fashion, I will have to punish you. (p.25) Idiotic adj. ( 形容詞 adjective) 白癡的 EX : If you don,t stop acting in an idiotic fashion 如果你不停止你這白癡的模樣 Idiot n. a very foolish people. Synonym: stupid a. ( 形容詞 adjective) 愚蠢的 EX : It is stupid to do such a thing. 做這種事真蠢。

5 It was simply an accident that might happen to anybody,” said Stuart. “As for my hat and cane being found at the entrance to the mousehole, you can draw your own conclusions. (p.25) Conclusion n. ( 名詞 noun) 1. 結論 ; 推論 EX : They drew different conclusions from the facts. 他們從這些事實中引出了不同的結論。 2. 終結, 結束 EX : The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight. meanings 辯論直到午夜才結束。


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