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Outage Planning Subcommittee Mark Wilson. Outage Planning Subcommittee Created to address Market Participant concerns with existing rules and procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Outage Planning Subcommittee Mark Wilson. Outage Planning Subcommittee Created to address Market Participant concerns with existing rules and procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outage Planning Subcommittee Mark Wilson

2 Outage Planning Subcommittee Created to address Market Participant concerns with existing rules and procedures Have met 6 times since the first meeting on June 10 Identified a list of 12 issues Using the issues list created a strawman

3 Outage Planning Subcommittee Strawman Provides a framework for stakeholdering Identifies critical issues and provides recommendations The intent is to identify the best possible solutions to identified issues without regard to implementation restrictions Identifies implementation issues with the proposed recommendations ( some of the proposed recommendations may not viable solutions)

4 Outage Planning Subcommittee Strawman Issues –Advance Outage Approval –Notification of At Risk Outages –Generator Testing –Categorizing Equipment for Outage Notice –Maintaining Timestamp Precedence –Transmission Outage Coordination –Flexibility/Discretion in Adequacy Assessments –Non Discretionary Outages

5 Outage Planning Subcommittee Advance Outage Approval To provide a mechanism that will allow outages to be given advance approval farther in advance, thereby reducing Market Participant risks, and allowing market participants to better plan their work and deploy work forces. Recommendation The IMO to provide advance approval for outages 14 days in advance of the start date of the outage. The IMO may withhold such approval only when security and adequacy assessments indicate that the planned outage has an adverse impact on the reliability of the IMO-controlled grid. If advance approval cannot be given 14 days prior to the commencement date of the outage, the outage will not be rejected but will be reassessed with approval given no later than 2 business days in advance of commencement date of the outage.

6 Outage Planning Subcommittee Notification of At Risk Outages Market Participants would like information regarding their time stamp position and total MW ahead in the queue as far in advance as possible. Recommendation The IMO will provide the time stamp position and total MW ahead in the queue for at risk outages with the same resolution as the adequacy assessments produced by the IMO: hourly for day 1 to 14, and daily for day 15 to 34.

7 Outage Planning Subcommittee Generator Testing Market Participants would like more flexibility for testing of generators as well as generator ramp-up schedules when returning from outage. Recommendation The following are proposed to supplement the present arrangements available to Market Participants: –Add aggregate groups for larger generators on a station basis, which would allow the MW output to be distributed within the aggregate during testing. –Make Market Rule changes which would allow Market Participants to offer the maximum achievable MW amount for the testing generator then use outage derating slips to achieve the required MW output during testing or ramp-up. Changes to offers will not be required.

8 Outage Planning Subcommittee Categorizing Equipment for Outage Notice To allow market participants to apply, within the short notice window, for outages that do not have a significant impact on the reliability of the IMO-controlled grid. Recommendation Allow MP’s to submit SNP outages based on predefined criteria. I.e. non-critical elements, < 50 Kv, single breakers at stations….

9 Outage Planning Subcommittee Maintaining Timestamp Precedence To allow Market Participants to maintain their time stamp precedence for outages that are revoked by the IMO then mutually agreed to be rescheduled less than three business days in advance (short notice request). Recommendation Change the Market Rules to allow Market Participants to maintain their time stamp precedence and eligibility for compensation for outages that are revoked by the IMO then mutually agreed to be rescheduled less than three business days in advance (short notice request).

10 Outage Planning Subcommittee Transmission Coordination The IMO to co-ordinate transmission system element outages that impact multiple market participants. Recommendation The OPS will be meeting in mid December to provide input to the OEB working group on transmission planning.

11 Outage Planning Subcommittee Flexibility / Discretion in Adequacy Assessments Market participants would like to be allowed to take outages where there is a shortfall in capacity or energy, and imports are available in excess of 700MW. Recommendation The IMO to develop the necessary criteria to allow discretion in approving outages where the frequency and size of capacity and/or energy shortfalls is acceptable.

12 Outage Planning Subcommittee Non Discretionary Outages There are requirements to have facilities tested/maintained within a certain period of time. When a planned outage(s) is rejected by the IMO for reliability concerns, the MP has no other option than to force the facility out of service in order to meet these requirements. Recommendation The IMO should be made aware of non-discretionary outages by the submitting market participant. The Comments field of the Outage Request form will be used to explain the sensitivity of the request, time limitations and reasons. The outage will maintain its planned character when it has to be taken within a specified timeframe, even where there are system adequacy concerns.

13 Outage Planning Subcommittee

14 Next Steps –IMO Assessment of recommendations –OPS to determine going forward strategy for the accepted recommendations Information All information can be found at the IMO web site for Consultation

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