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Nationalism: Uniting Italy & Germany World History.

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2 Nationalism: Uniting Italy & Germany World History

3 Quick Review… What is “nationalism”? Which political group wanted to keep the status quo? (the way things are)

4 Nationalism: A source of disruption On your map, which areas do you think might see the greatest problems with nationalism? Why?


6 A. Nationalism: A source of disruption 1. The Russian, Austrian, & Ottoman Empires found themselves fighting to control their diverse populations. 2. All three would collapse by the end of World War One in 1918.

7 NOTE: Napoleon’s march into Italy sparked dreams of a unified Italian Nation. This was similar to the occurrence in Germany. Why do you think this happened? ITALY: Nationalism leads to Unity

8 1.The Two Giuseppe’s a. Giuseppe Mazzini –Nationalist leader who founded Young Italy. –Young Italy was a secret society hoped to form a free republic of Italy and established a republic in Rome. Was quickly defeated by the French in 1849.

9 1. The Two Giuseppe’s b. Giuseppe Garibaldi: –Lead a revolutionary group of soldiers known as the “red shirts” –The “red shirts” invaded Sicily in 1860 and then started marching back North winning and controlling the areas as the marched. –They eventually would connect with Victor Emmanuel at Naples where Garibaldi would turn over the lands he controlled to Emmanuel helping him become King in 1861. Why would I surrender the land I unified to Victor Emmanuel and not keep fighting north on my own?

10 King of Italy 2. Victor Emmanuel II –Sardinia was a constitutional monarchy and Emmanuel II hoped other states would join and a unified Italian Nation would form. –Sardinia was the strongest Italian Kingdom. –Became the first King of Italy in 1861.

11 The Prime Minister (1852) 3. Count Camillo Cavour –Was a monarchist who was a smart politician who would do what ever it took to achieve his goals. –Wanted to unify Italy and form a constitutional monarchy not a republic. –Made a secret deal with France in 1858 which France agreed to protect Sardinia if Austria attacked them. –Cavour provoked the attack and with the help from France defeated and drove the Austrians out of Northern Italy. When other Northern Italian States drove out the Austrians they joined with Sardinia and the unification of Italy was under way. –Supported Garibaldi’s red shirts with weapons and ships. What does being a monarchist mean?

12 “Right Leg in the Boot at Last” Garibaldi King Victor Emmanuel II What symbol is used to represent the soon-to-be nation of Italy? How is Garibaldi portrayed? This cartoon was published in Great Britain. What does the title say about the British attitude towards the unification of Italy?

13 b. Major division between Northern & Southern Italy –Northern Italy was industrializing and had the largest cities and wealthiest citizens. –Southern Italy was rural and poor. Life in the North? Life in the South? a. Strong regional rivalries still existed. Challenges for Italia

14 c. Problems with the R.C.C.: –The Pope resented the Papal states being taken over and refused to recognize the new Nation and urged Catholics not to cooperate with the government. –A small section of Rome, Vatican City, remained under R.C.C. control. Challenges for Italia

15 The German Nation

16 Forming the German Empire a.Prussia leads the way. –The strongest military in Europe and a mainly German population allowed them to dominate the Confederation. b. THE “OTTO” FACTOR! –Otto von Bismarck becomes Chancellor (prime minister) for King Wilhelm I –He rules through realpolitik, the politics of reality, and quickly becomes the powerful leader of Prussia.

17 c. Unification through “force” –Bismarck was a master at manipulating the situation for Prussia’s benefit. –Military conflicts… Denmark : gained Schleswig and Holstein. Used Nationalism to gain support and take back “German lands” from the Denmark. Austria : Seven Weeks War 1866. Gained more Northern areas and eliminated Austria as a power. France : Franco-Prussian war. French defeat brought together the German areas under one leader: Kaiser William I & the Second Reich began.

18 Crowning the German Kaiser Bismarck INTERPRETING ART: What generalization can you make about the overwhelming presence of military uniforms in this picture?


20 “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” “A government must not waiver once it has chosen it's course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward.” “I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.”

21 “People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election. “ “Whoever speaks of Europe is wrong: it is a geographical expression. “ “When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.” “Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war. “ “What did he say? What does he mean?”

22 TIMELINE ACTIVITY Put the following events in correct chronological order on your timeline. Use date as well. Use different color for German Empire events. Mazzini’s Republic in Rome was crushed by France. 1849 Victor Emmanuel becomes first king of Italy. 1861 The “Red Shirts invade Sicily” 1860 Camillo Cavour is named Prime Minister of Sardinia. 1852 Cavour makes secret deal with the French and then provokes war with Austria. 1858 Otto von Bismarck becomes Chancellor of Prussia in 1862. Garibaldi surrenders lands to Victor Emmanuel. 1861 William I becomes Kaiser of the German Empire. 1871 Seven Weeks War breaks out. 1866 Franco-Prussian War begins. 1870 Prussia gains Schleswig / Holstein from Denmark 1864

23 Mazzini’s Republic in Rome was crushed by France. 1849 Camillo Cavour is named Prime Minister of Sardinia. 1852 Garibaldi surrenders lands to Victor Emmanuel. 1861 Victor Emmanuel becomes first king of Italy. 1861 Otto von Bismarck becomes Chancellor of Prussia in 1862. Seven Weeks War breaks out. 1866 Prussia gains Schleswig / Holstein from Denmark 1864 Franco-Prussian War begins. 1870 William I becomes Kaiser of the German Empire. 1871 Cavour makes secret deal with the French and then provokes war with Austria. 1858 The “Red Shirts invade Sicily” 1860

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