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Subject / Verb Agreement

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Presentation on theme: "Subject / Verb Agreement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject / Verb Agreement

2 Subject-verb Agreement Paragraph
Choose a broad topic and write one (1) anecdotal paragraph with a minimum of eight (8) sentences. Maintain a consistent third-person present tense. (Why?) Avoid verb phrases as well as perfect and progressive tenses. Include one (1) compound subject-verb example. In addition, include four subject-verb agreement examples: (4) different indefinite pronouns as subjects and four (4) different present tense verbs that agree with their subjects.

3 Subject-verb Agreement Paragraph
When you are completely finished, use a colored pencil to underline each subject-verb example. If you use more than is required, only underline the ones to be graded. If you use twenty and underline all of them, Only the first examples will be graded. Remember – clarity trumps cleverness!

4 Example Lisa and Maddie are really bored. Both of the girls have a ton of homework, but neither of them wants to do it. Instead, they decide to head to the mall. When the girls arrive at the mall, they notice that some of the stores offer refreshments to their customers. They enjoy a few treats, but many of the shoppers seem too busy to stop. After a little while, Lisa wants to check out Express, but Maddie is tired. Since they can’t agree on what to do, they just go home. They have homework to do.

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