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Elements of Poetry. Definition of Poetry Literature in verse form (a controlled arrangement of lines and stanzas) Uses language to express layers of meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Poetry. Definition of Poetry Literature in verse form (a controlled arrangement of lines and stanzas) Uses language to express layers of meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Poetry

2 Definition of Poetry Literature in verse form (a controlled arrangement of lines and stanzas) Uses language to express layers of meaning

3 Literary Elements Figurative language –Language that is used imaginatively rather than literally to express ideas/feelings

4 Examples: Simile: uses “like” or “as” to compare 2 essentially unlike things Ex./She runs like the wind.

5 Metaphor Compares 2 like things describing one as if it were the other ex./ My brother’s room is a pigpen.

6 Personification A figure of speech in which human qualities are given to a non-human subject Ex./ The feather tickled my face.

7 Imagery Descriptive language that creates vivid impressions. Uses sensory language; appeals to the 5 senses

8 Musical qualities Poets often use sound devices to achieve a musical quality They do this by the language that they use

9 Rhythm Pattern created by stressed and unstressed syllables Ordered pattern of rhythm is called meter

10 Rhyme Repetition of identical sounds in the last syllables of words Pattern of rhyme at end of lines in a poem is called rhyme scheme

11 Alliteration Initial rhyme Repetition of first consonant Ex./the light lemon lollipop

12 Assonance Vowel rhyme Repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words Ex./ date and fade

13 Consonance Repetition of consonants within nearby words in which the separating vowels differ Ex./ milk and walk

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